Elemental question

Elemental question

Post 18 Dec 2011 13:53

Avatar Heyho
Posts: 1

I need some help confirming this reply I got from an guild on my apply to them. I wounder if he is right or completly wrong. I have my own opinion of his answere but I thought check with some professional help first : ]

He said
''Here is a situation for you. when morchak uses earthern pull and the room fills with blackness, your searing runs out, what do you do? you have to keep it up for SP buff but you will miles away from the boss and have to use an extra global. I know this sounds trivial, but i garuntee you we have had many wipes where 5 more globals on spells where the difference between a Herioc kill and a wipe. How would you deal with this on your current spec???''

This is my armory to check my spec: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... ian/simple

I really dont like his answere and this is a lilbit what I think.

I have never had anyproblem with SP totem dont reach a enemie target either seen any high-end compedetive elemental specing totematic reach in their talents due to this. I refresh SP totem when I get draged to boss asap, before I run to the pilars, I havnt seen this giving me a dps loss.. However I may be wrong.. But I would like to hear others opinion on this. :)

Thx alot, Ripp <3