Any luck finding or convincing someone to make some videos for this and future raiding tiers?
I really enjoy all of your videos, but with only Heroic Ragnaros from last tier I was a little sad.
If anything, will you stream 1 raid like you did in Firelands with it being recorded and able to watch later? That works too =)
t13 video(s)
t13 video(s)
- Posts: 5
Re: t13 video(s)
- Posts: 9
I feel that perhaps the way Tier 12 played out and all the absolute top end guilds being 6/7 heroic so quickly, it was actually kind of fitting that everything come down to one epic kill, and it be that world first end boss video that everyone was anticipating. The Ragnaros video was very well done.
Re: t13 video(s)
- Posts: 5
No reason other videos can't come out - some are just as epic. Plus there are 2 parts to "Deathwing" =)
Re: t13 video(s)
- Posts: 357
Paldain wrote:Any luck finding or convincing someone to make some videos for this and future raiding tiers?
I really enjoy all of your videos, but with only Heroic Ragnaros from last tier I was a little sad.
If anything, will you stream 1 raid like you did in Firelands with it being recorded and able to watch later? That works too =)
1. Video: I guess if they release videos, then it will be once the current content is clear.
2. Stream: If they get the chance to clear T13 on a gaming event, like it was the case with T12, then I'd say yes.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
4 posts -