warlock specs for ds

warlock specs for ds

Post 16 Dec 2011 10:27

Avatar exigent
Posts: 22
hiya i am having a complete nightmare trying to sort out what spec i plan on using in ds but as far as i can see between demon and affliction there both better for certain bosses. obviously i dont want to have to keep reforging for each boss in runs so i was just wondering what spec overal would you suggest to use for ds.

Also if its demon then what spec would be better to use, carry on with the old spec and shadow bolt? or change to the corruption spec and use incinerate.

Many thanks

Re: warlock specs for ds

Post 27 Dec 2011 21:23

Avatar nahteps
Posts: 2
Im also curious to know whats Paragon warlock's opinion on Demonology about incinerate filler being better or not than the shadowbolt as filler..
On Manaflask and EJ says that the incinerate filler is better but what i see from all the warlocks from the best guilds, they're using the shadowbolt spec.

And by the way.. in those bosses where Demonology is a worse option do you prefer Affliction or Destruction?

Another question is the best trinckets for Demo currently for someone who raids normal modes:

Is Moonwell Chalice still viable? and DMC:Volcano? Is Bottled Wishes a better option?

This is my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightnings-blade/Nahte/advanced if you can check it..

Thanks for all the help possible.

And Gz on getting the kill on Deathwing..

Re: warlock specs for ds

Post 27 Dec 2011 21:43

User avatarHermanni
Posts: 341
If you look at the "Guides" -section you might just find your questions answered.