Hey Guys
i was just thinking after i have seen alot of all the Awesome videos, Screenshots and photos,
Have Paragon ever thought about asking/recuiting Klinda from Adept??
Thanks for the chance to write with Paragon.
Have always been a Big fan of all you.
Hope u continue with your work in WOW.
Recruiting, special characters
Re: Recruiting, special characters
- Posts: 357
Adept is, from my understanding, an Oceanig raiding guild. So the guy plays in a totally different part of the world, would have massive ping problems and speaks no Finnish.
Why would they want him in the guild.
Why would they want him in the guild.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Recruiting, special characters
Nicolai A Nielsen
- Posts: 3
I just wanted to ask them because I am a big fan of him, and i just love the way he plays, thats all
But still u are right about, the language, and that he plays in another part of the world, i just thought about it, it more just a question.
But still u are right about, the language, and that he plays in another part of the world, i just thought about it, it more just a question.
Re: Recruiting, special characters
- Posts: 8
- Location: Denmark
Even the recruting site states very clearly that if you can't speak finnish then you have no change of joining Paragon.
- that's really as long as you have to look to have the answer :)
- that's really as long as you have to look to have the answer :)
Paragon is a full Finnish guild so this part will be in Finnish. If you can't understand the following text, you do NOT have any chance of joining Paragon.
Päivitetty 4.2.2011:
Meillä ei tällä hetkellä ole pakottavaa tarvetta uusille jäsenille, mutta lupaaville rekryille annamme mahdollisuuden näyttää mihin pystyy.
Ettet tuhlaisi aikaasi, niin pidä huolta että täytät seuraavat vaatimukset:
- Aktiivisuus raideilla 95-100%
- Aikaisempaa kokemusta vähintään top 100 killassa (nyt tai ICC25H: www.wowprogress.com )
- Olet kiltasi parhaita pelaajia ja sinulla on aina paikka kiltasi raideissa
- Osallistut aktiivisesti ventrilokeskusteluun raideissa
- Uuden contentin ilmestyessä pystyt järjestämään aikaa raidaamiselle, eli joustava työ/koulu
Classilla tai specillä ei ole tällä hetkellä niinkään väliä, enemmän kiinnostaa se itse pelaaja. (4.2.2011: Jos pelaat tankkia, hunteria, shamaania, retriä, etkä osaa muita classeja/tai ole valmis rerollaamaan, niin classi/specci on este)
Applyt mielellään ircissä:
#paragon (irc.quakenet.org)
Nick: Seita / Lazei / Baltha
Re: Recruiting, special characters
Nicolai A Nielsen
- Posts: 3
Thanks Guys for the information, as I have said before, just had this little idear :)
6 posts -