spec and reforging doubts

spec and reforging doubts

Post 06 Dec 2011 21:59

Avatar Thantalus
Posts: 1
Hey Paragon warlocks and community.

Yesterday we were at Ultraxion 25man and looking at the DPS charts I was wondering what was wrong with mine (An average of my dps among attemps was: 22k - 24k. I know its not a patchwerk fight and my gear is definately not top-high end and the gaps that Twilight hour and fading light cause make people lose dps along the fight, but I've been really confused about what spec would be the best with my actual gear , I wanted to ask also if Demonology spec is highly-stat dependant compared to Affliction and if you guys suggest me to reroll another spec that would have a better performance while I get the right gear for Demonology spec.

Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... g/advanced

A little edit here: When its the right point to go from Haste --> Mastery (demonology wise), I've read haste is better till some point , but Im not really sure what that point is.

Re: spec and reforging doubts

Post 07 Dec 2011 00:13

User avatarHermanni
Posts: 341
I don't think changing specs would make a drastic difference in terms of gear, but if you're confident you'd do better on Affliction then I suppose it would be worth trying. You seems to be missing a chunk of what you optimally should do be doing with demo, but without logs or further details it's hard to say what exactly you could be doing differently.

I simmed your profile twice and I'm getting a scale factor of ~2 for mastery and ~1,5 for haste.

Re: spec and reforging doubts

Post 07 Dec 2011 01:37

Avatar mannaroth
Posts: 16
Is it at all important to aim for 1993 haste as demo currently with the incinerate spec?