Hello everyone,
First of all, I wanted to say that im not a starter at playing a mage. But the recent DPS numbers I came up is quite disturbing.
Here is my armory link: http://www.eu.battle.net/wow/en/charact ... and/simple
As you can see my gear is not that terrible, infact im one of the best geared dps'ers in my guild currently.
I have gone with the soft haste cap and the hit cap. Although im a bit under those as you can see. (Shamans totems were taking into account when calculating my haste cap, as there is always a shaman.)
What do I do for my rotation:
Burn Phase
I pop my cooldowns (cooldown managing list in below the rotation explanation). And burn my mana to 35%.
I use Evocation to get my mana back up.
Conservation Phase
I have around 117k mana in a 10 man raid and I always keep my mana 100k+
So that being said, its almost always around 87%-90%.
Cooldown Managing List
Take the following in account:
- Synapse Springs is an engineering tinker.
- The burn phase time is calculated on my gear.
0:00 - __START BURN__/Arcane Power/Volcanic Potion/Mirror Images/Mana Gem/Flame Orb
0:20 - Synapse Springs
0:35 - __END BURN__/Evocation
0:40 - __START CONS__
1:00 - Flame Orb
1:20 - Synapse Springs
2:00 - __START BURN__/Arcane Power/Volcanic Potion/Mana Gem/Flame Orb
2:20 - Synapse Springs
2.35 - __END BURN__/Evocation
2:40 - __START CONS__
3:00 - Mirror Images/Flame Orb
3:20 - Synapse Springs
4:00 - __START BURN__/Arcane Power/Volcanic Potion/Mana Gem/Flame Orb
4:20 - Synapse Springs
4:35 - __END BURN__/Evocation
4:40 - __START CONS__
5:00 - Flame Orb
5:20 - Synapse Springs
6:00 - __START BURN__/Arcane Power/Volcanic Potion/Mirror Images/Mana Gem/Flame Orb
6:20 - Synapse Springs
6:35 - __END BURN__/Evocation
6:40 - __START CONS__
7:00 - Flame Orb
7:20 - Synapse Springs
8:00 - __START BURN__/Arcane Power/Volcanic Potion/Mana Gem/Flame Orb
8:20 - Synapse Springs
8:35 - __END BURN__/Evocation
8:40 - __START CONS__
9:00 - Mirror Images/Flame Orb
10:00- __START BURN__/Arcane Power/Volcanic Potion/Mana Gem/Flame Orb
This is ofcourse not a list which I can follow always due to movement but on fights like Baleroc Heroic I can follow it pretty good.
The problem is this:
http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-46m5y ... 846&e=1173
I did 25.591 DPS on an encounter that lasted 5 minutes and 26 seconds.
That means I had a burn phase at 0:00, 2:00 and 4:00 and around 5:00 to the kill of the boss.
It is just so weird, im second on the list but an enhancement shaman who has a low ilvl compared to me beated me.
He is my guild leader and we talked hours about it because enhancement shamans arent that good of a state right now. (He is stating that). But why did he beated me in DPS while im overgeared and the mage is in a better state then enh. shamans.
Im really out of idea's how to improve my DPS. I switched around trinkets using an Int trinket instead of a mastery one to see how it affects my DPS. But that was like almost nothing.
I hope anyone sees what the problem is, I've been brainstorming a lot over this and I want to get in one of the better guilds in the world. But im sceptical about this problem, and I don't think I can go anywhere without this prob being sorted.
Im looking forward to see any replies to this topic. And thank you in advance to take the time in reading this post.
DPS seems very low and I need help
Re: DPS seems very low and I need help
- Posts: 54
i cant seem to spot anything wrong :/ but copy this player's stats as in reforge some current stats to match his ! he is in my guild and i see him doing about 32k dps for the gear he has on now sometimes even more!
Syban, Draenor
Syban, Draenor
Re: DPS seems very low and I need help
- Posts: 190
My apologies on the delayed response. After reading over your post I don't really know what to tell you. There's a few little things you could change, but nothing that is going to make a really big difference. I can't be sure if this applies exactly, but I have a suspicion that this may help you out.
The way you listed out exactly what you would do in a 10 minute fight makes me wonder a little because you just can't map things out like that. There are no fights in Firelands like that (even Baleroc is a little more complex than that). I think your trying to over simplify things and not so much able to adjust to what occurs during the fight. You didn't mention anywhere about mini-burn phases which can prove to help dps a lot if done correctly. You especially, with two proc trinkets, should always be watching for when procs line up. You have two from trinkets, Power Torrent, and your cloak. If ever two of those happen at the same time I would use your engineering Intellect buff with it and spam arcane blast all through it. It won't even matter how low your mana goes. If procs line up you spam then. Now I know you don't have shard of woe, but I will inform you anyway of how I handle my Conservation phase. When any buff is up on me that I don't normally have (trinkets, Power Torrent, cloak, ect) I am spamming Arcane Blast. If two line up well I use Arcane Power (regardless of where my mana is at). When nothing is up I keep my mana steady unless Evocation is going to be off CD soon. I try to use Evocation on the last second of an intellect buff and the last second of my Shard of Woe trinket's Haste buff to gain the full benefit, but only consume 1 second of it. It doesn't always happen, but when it does I gain more mana and it takes less time. I would encourage you to try and use your engineering intellect buff in a similar manor. I wouldn't worry about how low your mana goes to pull this off. You can always get it back up later.
A few other notes:
Flame Orb should be used under two circumstances only.
If you know you will take damage soon after entering a fight I pre-shield it. Both types of Mage Shields are a dps increase (especially while the spell power is active during a burn phase).
As far as trinkets go, you should obtain Moonwell Chalice from the Molten Front dailies. It may only be 6 item levels higher than what you have now, but it's BiS for someone who does not have Shard of Woe.
My last comment is "why did I type all of this right before mages switch to fire?" Well... for the people who aren't switching or want to play both.
My second last comment is that you seem like you were holding back when you made this post and there is more you would like answered. If you want to talk about it sometime send me a PM and we'll work something out. I can help you in Vent or on PTR if you like.
My apologies on the delayed response. After reading over your post I don't really know what to tell you. There's a few little things you could change, but nothing that is going to make a really big difference. I can't be sure if this applies exactly, but I have a suspicion that this may help you out.
The way you listed out exactly what you would do in a 10 minute fight makes me wonder a little because you just can't map things out like that. There are no fights in Firelands like that (even Baleroc is a little more complex than that). I think your trying to over simplify things and not so much able to adjust to what occurs during the fight. You didn't mention anywhere about mini-burn phases which can prove to help dps a lot if done correctly. You especially, with two proc trinkets, should always be watching for when procs line up. You have two from trinkets, Power Torrent, and your cloak. If ever two of those happen at the same time I would use your engineering Intellect buff with it and spam arcane blast all through it. It won't even matter how low your mana goes. If procs line up you spam then. Now I know you don't have shard of woe, but I will inform you anyway of how I handle my Conservation phase. When any buff is up on me that I don't normally have (trinkets, Power Torrent, cloak, ect) I am spamming Arcane Blast. If two line up well I use Arcane Power (regardless of where my mana is at). When nothing is up I keep my mana steady unless Evocation is going to be off CD soon. I try to use Evocation on the last second of an intellect buff and the last second of my Shard of Woe trinket's Haste buff to gain the full benefit, but only consume 1 second of it. It doesn't always happen, but when it does I gain more mana and it takes less time. I would encourage you to try and use your engineering intellect buff in a similar manor. I wouldn't worry about how low your mana goes to pull this off. You can always get it back up later.
A few other notes:
Flame Orb should be used under two circumstances only.
- During Conservation Phase (or when you need mana)
- While Moving
If you know you will take damage soon after entering a fight I pre-shield it. Both types of Mage Shields are a dps increase (especially while the spell power is active during a burn phase).
As far as trinkets go, you should obtain Moonwell Chalice from the Molten Front dailies. It may only be 6 item levels higher than what you have now, but it's BiS for someone who does not have Shard of Woe.
My last comment is "why did I type all of this right before mages switch to fire?" Well... for the people who aren't switching or want to play both.
My second last comment is that you seem like you were holding back when you made this post and there is more you would like answered. If you want to talk about it sometime send me a PM and we'll work something out. I can help you in Vent or on PTR if you like.
3 posts -