This is my guide for Fire Mages in 4.3.2
Changes to Fire Mages in Patch 4.3.2:
Fireball damage has been reduced by 6%
Pyroblast damage has been reduced by 6%
Yes. Fire mages are getting nerfed, but Fire mages will still do good damage. It should be about a 1-3k dps loss depending on gear. In full BiS gear it will be a 3k dps loss.
Elitist Jerks has mentioned that they are currently in the process of updating the Fire Mage compendium for 4.3, but much of the information on there is still relevant, so if you are new to fire mages I suggest checking that out first.
Cookie Cutter Fire Mage spec:
Rotation: Critical Mass Debuff > Flame Orb > Living Bomb > Pyroblast! > Mirror Image > Fireball > Scorch
Please note that using Flame Orb and Mirror Image are not recommended while attempting to apply Combustion. Using these allows Ignite to tick for a second on the target an can result in ignite being munched instead of stacking. This is especially critical when a Hot Streak proc is active.
Mirror Image is a dps increase to use, but less important because of how infrequently it can be used. The 3 minute CD allows some leeway in terms of when it's used.
If Living Bomb going to fall off at the end of a Fireball cast and Hot Streak has procced, refresh the Living Bomb first and then use Pyroblast! unless this occurs while you are attempting to stack Ignite. If this is the case see the Dream Combustion section.
Stat Weights
Intellect > Hit to cap > Haste to 2005 (or 1505 with t13 2 set) > Crit > Haste > Mastery
Glyph of Fireball
Glyph of Molten Armor
Glyph of Pyroblast
None provide a dps increase. They are all purely situational.
Glyph of Evocation (Nice additional heal when using Evocation)
Glyph of Blink (When you need to get somewhere faster)
Minor Glyphs:
Free choice on these, but do note use Glyph of Mirror Images. It is a dps loss for Fire.
Haste Plateau's
Living Bomb, Pyroblast and FrostFire Bolt all have the same haste tick values.
+1 Tick = 12.5%
+2 Tick = 37.5%
+3 Tick = 62.5%
+4 Tick = 87.5%
Flame Orb and Ignite are not affected by haste.
Keep in mind these are default values and obtaining these requires different amounts of haste depending on what haste buffs you have available (Netherwind Presence, Goblin Haste, T11 Set bonus, Blood Lust, Raid Haste Buff). If your going to calculate the haste values yourself just remember that haste is multiplicative so multiply, don't add.
Dream Combustion:
The secret to Combustion is a large Ignite. I generally won't take an ignite under 20k, but that number may differ depending on your gear. So far, in 4.3, the best Ignite I have been able to reach without any fight mechanics modifying it was 45k. I have noticed that at times I am able to get ignite to "stack" on top of itself. More information bellow.
I have found that the addon MyBigIgnite is the best for tracking ignite and is not only accurate, but fast. The second a spell hits the boss it is updated with how much the spell hit for. This addon is available on Curse if interested.
Combustion thrives off of large ignites to make sure you have an addon to help with this.
Combustion Ticks:
+1 tick = 5% haste needed
+2 ticks = 15% haste needed
+3 ticks = 25% haste needed
+4 ticks = 35% haste needed
How do I get a large Ignite for a big Combustion?
Ignite Stacking
Ignite stacking is the act of two ignites combining their magnitude to form one new ignite. Doing this will help Combustion to be more desirable in size.
What is ignite stacking?
Ignite stacks when a target is crit twice (or more via Dragonwrath) before ignite ticks (2 seconds) the ignite's strenth will stack and be nearly twice as strong. Two hits at the same time do not cause ignite to stack. One of the values will be munched.
This effect is more easily achieved by launching a Pyroblast at the boss after Fireball. Certainly more crits will aid this process, but they must hit before ignite ticks.
What if I don't believe this "Guromin" guy?
Try it for yourself! Go to a target dummy and cast fireball until it crits a few times and take note of the size of the Ignite from that crit. Do the same with Pyroblast. Then wait until you are lucky enough to have both crit and take note of the new ignite size. This can take some time because you will likely not be raid buffed while attacking a target dummy.
Alt Modifiers:
#showtooltip Living Bomb
/cast [modifier:alt, target=focus] Living Bomb/cast [nomodifier:shift] Living Bomb
#showtooltip Fireball
/cast [modifier:alt, target=focus] Fireball/cast [nomodifier:shift] Fireball
Holding alt and the button assigned for the spell will cause it hit your current focus target. If alt is not held down it will hit your current target. Note that holding alt does not change your current target, it only causes the spell to hit your focus.
Stop casting Macro's
#showtooltip Combustion
/cast Combustion
This really is a must have macro for fire mages. Combustion is not on the GCD and can be quickly cast at any moment a large Ignite appears!
#showtooltip Spellsteal
/cast Spellsteal
#showtooltip Ice Block
/cancelaura Ice Block
/cast Ice Block
This macro will stop what your casting and cast Ice Block. When you click it again it will cancel Ice Block.
#showtooltip Counterspell
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Counterspell; Counterspell
This is a macro to stop casting and Counterspell your mouseover if your mouse is over a target.If your mouse is not hovering over a target it will interrupt your current target.
This last one isn't specific to just mages. It's good for any class.
BiS list 4.3: