First of all Hello and Thnxs for your time.
Im mostly a casual raider but still I wanna give me fellow raiders the best I can, so this are my questions.
First, Im not sure how to evaluate the backs on this tier, Im Affliction and I wonder if the Alyz Heroic Cape is better to the Rep Cape, mostly because of secondary stats; ... r/advanced
getting the Alyz cape will rise my int but I will lose tons of haste and hit, so, is actually worth it?
Im assuming I will get the bracers from Domo, a firestone for the wand at some point, and the tier H pants from shannox, and I dont know if we will kill HRag before 4.3, so loot from it its out of the question.
So in with my overall gear set, it worth the lose of haste and hit(with all the reforge implied to it) to get some more Int?
And in another matter, Destro will be Good enough in 4.3 to be use in a half competitive guild, I assuming we are ammeing to Top 10(in the server offcourse LOLZ) next tier and I wanna know if I will be able to be Destro again, the spec that I love the most, mostly because its complexity.
PD: I forgot, H Sorrowsong is such a great DPS incress on H RAG to actually go and farm it?
Gear Question + 4.3 Destro
Gear Question + 4.3 Destro
- Posts: 3
Re: Gear Question + 4.3 Destro
- Posts: 155
Torturador wrote:I wanna know if I will be able to be Destro again, the spec that I love the most, mostly because its complexity.
I'll probably reply properly later today when I got the time.
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
Re: Gear Question + 4.3 Destro
- Posts: 3
Jubeto wrote:Torturador wrote:I wanna know if I will be able to be Destro again, the spec that I love the most, mostly because its complexity.
I'll probably reply properly later today when I got the time.
Cmon Dude, cant be THAT funny... you know, diferent people, diferent tastes...
You play Demo, and I find it discusting...
Re: Gear Question + 4.3 Destro
- Posts: 18
- Location: Maryland
He was referring to the 'complexity' of destro. Not how viable it is.
Re: Gear Question + 4.3 Destro
- Posts: 155
By far the best way to compare two items with each other is to download
Its pretty easy to use. Import your character from armory, set fight length from options (using at least 10k literations is recommended) , enable all relevant scale factors and press the simulate button. You'll get a nice chart which states how much dps one point of int or some rating is worth, with those results its rather simple to calculate which item is better.
I didn't sim your char, but my guess is that the hc cloak is approximately 25-75 dps better than the one you're currently equipping (taking into account that you can reforge your neck to hit), rather marginal dps increase for now at least. Its completely up to you if you're willing to sacrifice the comfortability of almost never missing to having a 0,5% less hit chance.
Destro got slightly buffed, yes it is competitive in 1 or 2 target fights but I doubt it'll be the top dps spec in any of the fights, well maybe on morecock or whatever the first boss was. I found multidotting on that fight quite difficult since there was times when the bosses were literally 100 yards apart due to bad blob spawns.
I wouldn't really bother with sorrowsong farming at this point, running the instance takes time. The drop isn't guaranteed and if you're doing it in a pug there is a chance that some quest green guy will take it. Besides the dps gain from it isn't exactly game breaking.
Its pretty easy to use. Import your character from armory, set fight length from options (using at least 10k literations is recommended) , enable all relevant scale factors and press the simulate button. You'll get a nice chart which states how much dps one point of int or some rating is worth, with those results its rather simple to calculate which item is better.
I didn't sim your char, but my guess is that the hc cloak is approximately 25-75 dps better than the one you're currently equipping (taking into account that you can reforge your neck to hit), rather marginal dps increase for now at least. Its completely up to you if you're willing to sacrifice the comfortability of almost never missing to having a 0,5% less hit chance.
Destro got slightly buffed, yes it is competitive in 1 or 2 target fights but I doubt it'll be the top dps spec in any of the fights, well maybe on morecock or whatever the first boss was. I found multidotting on that fight quite difficult since there was times when the bosses were literally 100 yards apart due to bad blob spawns.
I wouldn't really bother with sorrowsong farming at this point, running the instance takes time. The drop isn't guaranteed and if you're doing it in a pug there is a chance that some quest green guy will take it. Besides the dps gain from it isn't exactly game breaking.
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
6 posts -