With the reduction in healing in WG exactly how much of a impact will this make on druids? I read the WOW forums and people tend to think its the end of days for druids. I feel if you are not pushing heroic content or World 1-100 kills I dont think this is gonna be all that bad. WG is mindless click spell and it will heal the 5 players who need it the most.
Now my question is this how do you think this will come to play when pushing for world firsts? Will holy priests just be able to simply replace a druid? Now if you could give a resto druid a buff "Healing" what would it be? I think a simple fix would be a extra tick on rejuv and and a few on regrowth would help compensate.
Wild Growth and Druids next tier
Re: Wild Growth and Druids next tier
- Posts: 273
Expect to see a roughly 15% nerf in total. That includes the WG nerf, the WG glyph nerf, and the SoW nerf (which was worlds better on a druid than anyone else, and is now rendered obsolete).
Frankly, I don't have enough data to say if this will make holy priests better in all scenarios or not, but it is a very big nerf. Too big, probably, but it's hard to say with paladins being in the shape they are now. At least I see a very real chance that some fights will be done without any druid healers at all, very much similar to how T11 was.
By themselves WG + glyph would be ok-ish, though 9 seconds instead of 10 would probably have been fine for the glyph. These were in place before SoW got nerfed, and it's too much now, frankly. The simplest solution would be to just revert either of the WG changes, and leave the other two untouched.
Frankly, I don't have enough data to say if this will make holy priests better in all scenarios or not, but it is a very big nerf. Too big, probably, but it's hard to say with paladins being in the shape they are now. At least I see a very real chance that some fights will be done without any druid healers at all, very much similar to how T11 was.
By themselves WG + glyph would be ok-ish, though 9 seconds instead of 10 would probably have been fine for the glyph. These were in place before SoW got nerfed, and it's too much now, frankly. The simplest solution would be to just revert either of the WG changes, and leave the other two untouched.
arx / xaar
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