

Post 30 Oct 2011 13:22

Avatar Sweehunter
Posts: 2
Now lattly i have been thinking that i should be doing more dps then i am doing. I have looked into my spec, my gear(the reforgeing) and my rotaion(i use arcane shot as focus dump). And i cant figureout what i do wrong.
I would appreciate if u can tell me if i need to chage anything.

Here is my armorylink and world of logs link: ... etails/10/ ... ter/simple

Re: Help

Post 30 Oct 2011 21:19

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
If you have read the guide on fully and you know you are following it, you've read forum posts here on Paragon's site or on other sites, and you are unsure what you are doing wrong, there isn't a whole lot we could tell you about rotations and so on since most of us have also read that guide, and we would be repeating what you have already read and know. A lot of it will come with practice and figuring things out for yourself.

However, I noticed in one of your logs on a Baleroc attempt you only ever used 7 aimed shots. How do you open when first pulling a boss? You should read the Careful Aim Confusion thread I started and try some of the things that are mentioned in said thread. You always want to be using Aimed Shot on large haste effects, so this will be Rapid Fire and Bloodlust/Heroism/Timewarp, as well as your Hungerer trinket proc. Otherwise you'll be using Arcane Shot as your focus dump. By doing this itself you should see an increase in dps. As well in another log I saw only 8 Aimed Shots, so try to up this number a bit, you should be seeing a larger amount of Aimed Shots cast than this. Especially try to get more Aimeds off in the Careful AIm phase, which is 100%-90% of a bosses health due to our talent.

As well, you are running a 10 man, and there in itself you will notice your dps wont compare to other hunters who are running the same spec in 25 man raids.

You also have to consider the buffs you have in your group. I looked at two logs and noticed you do not have the 10% melee haste buff which can severely effect MM dps, which will be the number of SS's you can get into a 10-9 second cycle (depending on if you glyphed Chimera or not) as well as the number of Aimed Shots you can get off under substantial haste effects like bloodlust or your trinket proc.

I also noticed your spec, you have 3 points in Frenzy in the BM tree, I would advise to leave that at 2 points and point 3 points, making it 3/3, in the Pathing talent in Survival.

That's all I have for you at the moment, so I hoped it helped. If you can, try to get that 10% melee haste buff in your raid if possible, it will help a lot.

Edit: Also noticed you have LW and Skinning, if you want to further increase your personal dps by min/maxing, I would suggest to drop Skinning and pick up Jewelcrafting for the Chimera Eye gems for more agility.


"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."

Re: Help

Post 31 Oct 2011 12:16

Avatar rinku
Posts: 49
I only checked the longest attempt, but you were missing significant amount of buffs on your raid comp, which makes it hard to say anything about your dps
on a quick peek it seemed your physical dps's were missing: 3% damage aura, 4% physical damage taken, bloodlust, 10% haste, agi-str totem - you really should have changed your wolf pet to cat as you already had 5% crit aura from fury warrior.

you are running with 1951 haste and are AS dumbing? ( AS dumb usually wants 1235+latency amount of haste )
the haste amount you have is more of a something you might want to use for Aimed Shot dumb.

and like Ryuusenshi said it seems you are not hardcasting Aimed Shot at all, which you definately should do whenever you have a significant haste buff on - rapid fire and bloodlust mainly. you should take a peek at the EJ bible. its a painfully long and confusing post to read, but there's plenty of useful stuff in it if you do bother.

Re: Help

Post 31 Oct 2011 20:22

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
Rinku, if you please, what is the recommended haste amount to have at a minimum before Aimed Shot dumping is considered a viable way of dumping focus (or better than arcane shot dumping)?

"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."

Re: Help

Post 01 Nov 2011 01:23

Avatar rinku
Posts: 49
Ryuusenshi wrote:Rinku, if you please, what is the recommended haste amount to have at a minimum before Aimed Shot dumping is considered a viable way of dumping focus (or better than arcane shot dumping)?

i believe it started to make somewhat significant difference with 1600ish haste,
but atleast personally I keep the amount in "having more haste than crit" so my matrix would proc haste every time.
( though i dont experiment with AI dumb that often - kruf however has been using it a lot lately)

Re: Help

Post 01 Nov 2011 03:59

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
rinku wrote:
Ryuusenshi wrote:Rinku, if you please, what is the recommended haste amount to have at a minimum before Aimed Shot dumping is considered a viable way of dumping focus (or better than arcane shot dumping)?

i believe it started to make somewhat significant difference with 1600ish haste,
but atleast personally I keep the amount in "having more haste than crit" so my matrix would proc haste every time.
( though i dont experiment with AI dumb that often - kruf however has been using it a lot lately)

So with AI dump, you will be doing the same thing as if you were Arcane Shot dumping, as in you'll be hard casting Aimed Shots, with or without beneficial haste effects, such as trinket procs/bloodlust? (Perhaps silly question, but just for good measure).

"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."

Re: Help

Post 01 Nov 2011 16:28

Avatar Sweehunter
Posts: 2
Ye i know the raid setup wasnt the best that raid.
And after i made the post i looked more into what "attacks" that i used under that fight and then i realised i didnt used Amied shot as much as i should to;)

I will read on that site that was linked, tho thanks alot for the help;D