I did some sims for my demon spec and i got the following results on stats weight, while going for full mastery reforge/gemming:
my mastery is at 18.26 atm and haste 13.39 (unbuffed)
that was done for 50000 iterations and 500s length
problem is that the results i get after dropping some good amount of mastery for haste (and i reach around 15% mastery) the dps goes up...wich i find weird considering that mastery is so good for demons now.
should i go for it? or should i stick with full mastery due to the fact that most fights are very short now and i would benefit from it more while in demon form?
Stats weight confusion
Stats weight confusion
- Posts: 13
Re: Stats weight confusion
- Posts: 13
sorry, here it is: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/alakir/shadowscr%c3%a8am/simple
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