- Posts: 8
I have a question regarding the caps for haste. I noticed some of the Hunters in DREAM Paragon have their haste at around 1239 I was wondering why and at what point does it replace the 1850.
Re: Haste
- Posts: 6
At the moment, haste is quite preferencial. I currently play with around 1900 haste to account for latency and it's the best haste amount i've played at to date. I use the chimera shot glyph aswell and the rotation is really smooth. 5 x SS 2 x AS or AiS instant. I find that this amount of haste goes well with procs aswell. When popping rapid fire and berserking (troll) i find that my AiS goes to around 1.2 seconds which is ideal for CA phase.
But like i say, it's entirely preferencial at the moment and it is based on what glyphs you're using and how you like your rotation, you should try both 1300 and 1900 (to account for latency) and see which you prefer more.
But like i say, it's entirely preferencial at the moment and it is based on what glyphs you're using and how you like your rotation, you should try both 1300 and 1900 (to account for latency) and see which you prefer more.

Re: Haste
- Posts: 5
The 1300 and 1900 haste recommendations, should the Glyph of Chimera Shot be used under both these haste values? I'm also going to assume they already take latency into account, with just a little bit of +/-. Thanks.
Re: Haste
- Posts: 10
1235 haste is the plateau for T12 without the Chimera Glyph. It allows you to cast 5 steadies and 2 arcanes between Chimera shots. That haste value is not adjusted for latency.
1862 haste is the amount needed when .1 second is added to the instant shots to account for latency (casted shots don't have this type of latency). However, this amount still isn't optimized for the Chimera Glyph.
What I'm getting at is when looking at the math there isn't a good haste plateau for using the chimera glyph with T12.
Here's a crash course for doing this math yourself. You take the base cast time of your shot (2 seconds for steady/cobra and 2.9 for aimed) and divide it by each haste buff you can expect to see while raiding. So it's 2 divided by 1.1 (10% haste buff) divided by 1.15 (Imp Steady) divided by 1.03 (pathing) what you have after this is the cast time without any haste from gear. The next number you divide with should be what you want the steady cast time to be. I'll use 1.4. What you're left with is 1.09641308... The important numbers here are "964" which actually means 9.64% haste needed from gear alone. Lastly, you multiply 9.64 by 128.057 and you'll have the amount of haste you need on your gear to make the steady cast 1.4. In this case it's 1235. In summary, it goes like this. 2/1.1/1.15/1.03/1.4 take the haste percentage after the decimal and multiply by 128.057
1862 haste is the amount needed when .1 second is added to the instant shots to account for latency (casted shots don't have this type of latency). However, this amount still isn't optimized for the Chimera Glyph.
What I'm getting at is when looking at the math there isn't a good haste plateau for using the chimera glyph with T12.
Here's a crash course for doing this math yourself. You take the base cast time of your shot (2 seconds for steady/cobra and 2.9 for aimed) and divide it by each haste buff you can expect to see while raiding. So it's 2 divided by 1.1 (10% haste buff) divided by 1.15 (Imp Steady) divided by 1.03 (pathing) what you have after this is the cast time without any haste from gear. The next number you divide with should be what you want the steady cast time to be. I'll use 1.4. What you're left with is 1.09641308... The important numbers here are "964" which actually means 9.64% haste needed from gear alone. Lastly, you multiply 9.64 by 128.057 and you'll have the amount of haste you need on your gear to make the steady cast 1.4. In this case it's 1235. In summary, it goes like this. 2/1.1/1.15/1.03/1.4 take the haste percentage after the decimal and multiply by 128.057
6 posts -