Hello there,
Lappé, I was wondering if there are any videos by you out there from your PoV as a moonkin. I know your latest kill videos on youtube are partly from your PoV, but I feel like watching you play some encounters would really help me grow as a player and it is really hard to get an understanding of how you play if it switches back and forth between 3 different classes.
If there aren't any videos out there and you still got some footage of any bosses or heroic 5 man instance w/e I would really really appreciate it if you could upload them to any hoster or youtube (im on me knees here!^^).
Thanks for your time,
Lappé videos?
Lappé videos?
- Posts: 14
Re: Lappé videos?
- Posts: 254
i believe i was the only one frapsing our rag10HC kill but i cba to make a video myself (dont really know how to make a good one and cba to learn)
in short: No.
in short: No.
Re: Lappé videos?
- Posts: 14
Just putting all the fragments on windows movie maker and choose highest definition output settings, let the program work the rest. I'm really not asking for fancy editing, intro, music, whatever.^^
If you don't have time for it I totally understand but I'm sure a lot of moonkins out there would appreciate the work.
Thanks for your quick answer, though!
If you don't have time for it I totally understand but I'm sure a lot of moonkins out there would appreciate the work.
Thanks for your quick answer, though!
3 posts -