Recently i have started to use the, for reforging and so on. But it says im supposed to do 29k+ dps ... B6n/simple : me
but i cant seem to do more then 27k+ on Baleroc HC any tips that can help me?
DPS assassination rogue
DPS assassination rogue
- Posts: 12
Re: DPS assassination rogue
- Posts: 13
I dont know what is your raid setup. But i thing you should check the setings in shadowcraft page. For exampl:
If you have stable raid group 25 or 10 man check or uncheck the raid buffs-debuffs in the page. One thing that is very imoportand is this: Receiving tricks on cooldown from another rogue! Do you have another rogue that ToT you? If not...uncheck. An other thing is: do you use potions? - pre-potion? fix that page and all should be good if you do your rotation correct.
We dont have always the same raid setup and cause of this sometimes we do more or less damage.
I dont know what is your raid setup. But i thing you should check the setings in shadowcraft page. For exampl:
If you have stable raid group 25 or 10 man check or uncheck the raid buffs-debuffs in the page. One thing that is very imoportand is this: Receiving tricks on cooldown from another rogue! Do you have another rogue that ToT you? If not...uncheck. An other thing is: do you use potions? - pre-potion? fix that page and all should be good if you do your rotation correct.
We dont have always the same raid setup and cause of this sometimes we do more or less damage.
Re: DPS assassination rogue
- Posts: 202
You should also note that shadowcraft only gives estimates on the idealized fights which basically means that if the fight isn't baleroc (or maybe shannox hc) you probably shouldn't take the number as an accurate guideline.
Re: DPS assassination rogue
- Posts: 12
Well can you look at my armory and see what dps im supposed to do on the differend bosses estimated. I really need to know if i can do more
Re: DPS assassination rogue
6 posts -