I don't have a decent screenshot of my UI available right now but you can see my UI in action in my
Lady DW hard mode video.
Nameplates: Aloft. Threat colored nameplates are essential. Tidyplates (+threatplates) is a good, ligther alternative.
Unitframes: Shadowed unitframes. Don't use Pitbull.
Action bars: Bartender. I use it to show cooldowns in that bar above chat. I've hidden all the normal ability buttons which are on the left side. Mouseovering will show them.
Cast bars: Quartz.
Buffs: Buffalo. Mostly for making the buff icons smaller and moving debuffs to a better location.
Tooltip: Tinytip.
Minimap: Basic minimap (I think, can't check now)
Minimap button frame.
Tanking ability rotation and cooldown window: Eventhorizon continued.
Raidframes: sRaidframes. The best raidframes imo. I can easily see some debuffs and tank cooldown usage from the frames (so I know when to use sacrifices).
MT targets: ora2. It also shows soulstones and if ankh is available on my raidframes when someone is dead.
Mik's scrolling battle text. I hate combat text addons and I've deleted this since that video.
Needtoknow: Timers for everyday abilities.
Powerauras: Amazing addon that can alert about anything. I use it to alert about missing buffs and encounter specific stuff that isn't done by bossmods.
And of course the almost essential other addons: Prat, Omen, Pallypower and Bigwigs.