simple question about demo lock
simple question about demo lock
- Posts: 7
I just got back to the game and been asked to go demo for a guild i help out, in short im getting mixed details on the stats.. i've read in this forum the objected haste number is 1565 but no number on mastery , one person says he does 60 k dps with 7% haste and 22% mastery , another lock i know that is one of the best on elune says thats impossible , so right now i am 1519 hasts and 15.09% mastery .. should i lower my haste and get more mastery or stick with the numbers i am at? current i lvl is 371. do a sustained 25 - 27 k with the numbers i am at and 30 - 36 k peaks with meta and doomguard. would appriciate the info ty.
Re: simple question about demo lock
- Posts: 341
Sorry, but I'm not really a walking spreadsheet so I can't derive you any decisive data from just two numbers (without you even giving me your armory), but if you want specific information on how much haste and mastery are worth to you I suggest you download Simulationcraft from and make a chardev profile at and play around a bit to find out which setup gives you the highest numbers.
I'm not going to run them for you (because everyone would start asking for it if I did) but if you need any help feel free to ask.
Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but you don't really need to worry about secondaries that much. You'll do well with just the knowledge that mastery is generally the go-to stat, and if you want to know more look into the links I provided.
I'm not going to run them for you (because everyone would start asking for it if I did) but if you need any help feel free to ask.
Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but you don't really need to worry about secondaries that much. You'll do well with just the knowledge that mastery is generally the go-to stat, and if you want to know more look into the links I provided.
Re: simple question about demo lock
- Posts: 7
Ty for the links i cant get simcraft to work for some reason but i did go to that site and reforged to what they said im at 18% mastery 10% haste ( without DI ) gained about 1 k on the dummy ( even though dummy dps is not accurate ) , once i get in the higher gear i will be doing more then i am atm, i just got to get in FL and raid some but elune really isnt the place to pug but im going to give it a shot tonight , Thank you a bunch for your help here is my armory and again thank you. ... ife/simple
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