Best Racial Alliance
Best Racial Alliance
- Posts: 13
What would you think is the best Racial in Alliance for frost dk. Im debating Dranei for the 1% hit. What are your opinions?
Re: Best Racial Alliance
- Posts: 1
Well it kinda depends what u wanna do whit your dk
For PvP i would go Human for the free trinket
For Tanking i would go NightElf for the increased Dodge chanse
And Draenei for the increased hit
For PvP i would go Human for the free trinket
For Tanking i would go NightElf for the increased Dodge chanse
And Draenei for the increased hit
Re: Best Racial Alliance
- Posts: 13
Well like I said for frost Dk so dps and pve. The Expertise bonus are nice but the dranei with the hit seems more static bonus since don't have to check whats the best items and if they are axe or what not. Worgen with crit is little point less but the speed bonus can be usefull. How about for unholy is Crit usefull ? This toon is going to be more dps then anything else.
Re: Best Racial Alliance
- Posts: 12
I'm playing draenei, hit bonus is nice, gift of the naaru proven to be a nice perk to have for heroic ragnaros, not a cookie cutter, but sometimes it really helped :]
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