Re: random

Re: random

Post 15 Sep 2011 01:14

Avatar Vanderdander
Posts: 3
just lookin for some suggestions to help dps increase

Re: random

Post 15 Sep 2011 03:12

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
Would like to see more info. Rotation/priority you are using, what kind of dps you are already doing, the compesition (spelt right?) of your raid IE. 10/25 man, are you missing 10% haste buff or others?

As well, I saw you are missing a glove enchant.

Other then that, gear and stats seems fine to me. I personally run with a fixed 1330-1350 haste rating and rest into mastery for my secondary stats after crit rating.


"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."

Re: random

Post 23 Sep 2011 03:01

Avatar Vanderdander
Posts: 3
im doing roughly 25k and upwards, i loose the 10% haste buff when our ot has to tank and as far as rotation is going im doing a 4ss rotation

Re: random

Post 23 Sep 2011 05:15

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
I feel you could be pulling higher dps than 25k in your current gear. Losing the 10% haste is a major no-no when it comes to an MM Hunter in my personal opinion, however in 10 mans sometimes this may be unavoidable due to what is available in your raid compesition and the players/classes you have available to you as well.

Also I see you have the Tier 12 4pc, so I hope you are using Burning Adrenaline on Kill Command when you can.

Going back to my earlier post about my haste and mastery, I've thrown away the dropping haste into mastery after 1300+ haste mark and just dumping any hit/mastery I do not need into my haste now. However this could be just due to the gear that has become available to me. Perhaps you could give it a try your self and see the difference between a set haste amount and the rest into mastery or full haste reforges (after crit and hit cap).

And if you have not read the Elitist Jerks Marksman Hunter guide full through word-for-word, I would suggest that as well.

Hope this helps.


"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."