Food and drink social experiment
Food and drink social experiment
- Posts: 35
- Location: Durham, England, UK
So, post your food and drink stories, photos, videos, comments here! Anything goes--tell us what you eat during progress time or levelling up time. What kind of disasters or victories have you had? What kind of power food/recipes do you think help keep you sane and healthy during raiding?
Re: Food and drink social experiment
- Posts: 4
During farm raids I usually eat my dinner since its a known encounter and me and my guild are experienced on it, during progression raids I rarely eat anything tho, I eat my dinner early and I usually go with a few nuts and some plain water, sometimes a few apples or pears, during leveling it depends on how late and where I am, it goes from breakfest to mid-night nuts/chips snack.
My own "power drink" recipe: plain lemon juice with 3 tea spoons of sugar and salt
My own "power drink" recipe: plain lemon juice with 3 tea spoons of sugar and salt
Re: Food and drink social experiment
- Posts: 8
Mine would probly go under the "Extremely unhealthy" catagory. But for some reason it is impossible for me to raid, *Especially when poopsocking, if you will** Without consuming Massive amounts of Monster energy drinks and smoking massive amounts of Cigars to go with it, I dont really eat when i raid at all just Monsters and cigars. Pretty weird.
Re: Food and drink social experiment
- Posts: 3
When I used to raid it was always beer or water to drink and chips to eat. I find sugar and/or caffeine to actually be detrimental to focus and more suited to the occasional all night gaming benders when my wife and child are out of town than to the high concentration of downing bosses.
Re: Food and drink social experiment
- Posts: 3
lots and lots of beer.... usually about an 18 pack per raid.... coors specifically. and after all that not much room for food.
Re: Food and drink social experiment
- Posts: 551
I absolutely hate eating or drinking anything while I play. I feel very uneasy if I need to eat dinner or some other "bigger" food during trash (or bosses!), it makes me think that I don't respect the food or my team enough to keep them separated (but that's just my thoughts).
We actually need to plan eating and in some cases also sleeping well for progress. If you wake up about 1 hour before the progress raid starts and you know you'll have your next break in 5-7 hours you need to eat good to be able to play 100% the whole time. During leveling up, I and arx usually plan what food we eat and on which day in advance, and buy a lot of food to the fridge and cook it ready to be able to heat it up fast later. We have actually named food arx makes "leveling food", because he made it for the first time when Wrath of the Lich King was released, and the leveling took like 3 days from our team (we boosted zyn, the Death Knight). So you can imagine how much we ate leveling food. I can still taste it in my mouth when I think about it.
Also, if the occasion is leveling and you only have 5 people to make plans with, you should focus on when you eat. If you've stayed up long and haven't slept enough, eating is the worst mistake to do, because it makes you feel tired. Coke or energy drinks help with that, but sadly don't like them enough to drink them voluntarily. So for me it's planning what, when, and how much well ahead with sleep and food alike, and trying to now mix the actual playing with it.
Ps. I'll try to ask arx for the leveling food recipe.
We actually need to plan eating and in some cases also sleeping well for progress. If you wake up about 1 hour before the progress raid starts and you know you'll have your next break in 5-7 hours you need to eat good to be able to play 100% the whole time. During leveling up, I and arx usually plan what food we eat and on which day in advance, and buy a lot of food to the fridge and cook it ready to be able to heat it up fast later. We have actually named food arx makes "leveling food", because he made it for the first time when Wrath of the Lich King was released, and the leveling took like 3 days from our team (we boosted zyn, the Death Knight). So you can imagine how much we ate leveling food. I can still taste it in my mouth when I think about it.
Also, if the occasion is leveling and you only have 5 people to make plans with, you should focus on when you eat. If you've stayed up long and haven't slept enough, eating is the worst mistake to do, because it makes you feel tired. Coke or energy drinks help with that, but sadly don't like them enough to drink them voluntarily. So for me it's planning what, when, and how much well ahead with sleep and food alike, and trying to now mix the actual playing with it.
Ps. I'll try to ask arx for the leveling food recipe.
7 posts -