Rupture vs Evinscerate
Rupture vs Evinscerate
- Posts: 19
Hello! i was looking today at WoL and found usually Combat rogues have around 250k max Dmg from Rupture and 2M++ Evinscerate so i wondering when i have to use Rupture and when evinscerate? thats depends from the Bandit's guile(i mean with the stages)?
Re: Rupture vs Evinscerate
- Posts: 202
You should read the guides linked in my signature.
Basically you want to use rupture always when you're not in deep insight (and possibly not during AR). Using eviscerate is more damage per energy during deep insight. The loss for not using rupture at all was something like 1% so if you don't want to deal with it you could just leave it out completely.
The difference in total damage done is mostly because you know, rupture deals damage over a long period of time. You can fit atleast 2 eviscerates while a single rupture is ticking :P
Basically you want to use rupture always when you're not in deep insight (and possibly not during AR). Using eviscerate is more damage per energy during deep insight. The loss for not using rupture at all was something like 1% so if you don't want to deal with it you could just leave it out completely.
The difference in total damage done is mostly because you know, rupture deals damage over a long period of time. You can fit atleast 2 eviscerates while a single rupture is ticking :P
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