Resto shammy crit

Resto shammy crit

Post 22 Feb 2011 17:17

Avatar alikya
Posts: 1
I was wondering what % can be good for a shammy resto in 10 man mode....i dont see anything about it atm i got soft cap haste (916) 35% mastery and 20.5% crit it good or need to get more or less crit?

Re: Resto shammy crit

Post 05 Mar 2011 16:04

User avatarKyy
Posts: 158
Personally i dont really value crit too much, it's "ok" stat but it's not something i look while gearing and I don't have any set % I try to keep or reach. I think haste and mastery are pretty much always better choice. Ofc your gear lvl and play style can affect this but most of the time mastery should be better then crit. Feel free to try things around a bit and see what works best for you.

Hating with passion

Re: Resto shammy crit

Post 12 Sep 2011 07:17

Avatar Thekal
Posts: 1
I agree, that you must first take care of your haste-soft-cap and and as much mastery as you can get. However, after analysing our raidlogs the mana regain from resurgence appears better than its reputation. With the 19% crit, my mana regain from resurgence was about 700k in 4 hours raiding; quite better than the 69k from water shield. Especially after the 4.2 patch, crit sounds like a nice-to-have-more stat.

Anyway, personally I would never switch my focus away from mastery. If your raidgroup is not farming 7/7 hc and the raiddamage is massive because of failings, than your benefit from mastery is unbeatable.