Aimed shot! proc (Fire!) display on Weak Auras.

Aimed shot! proc (Fire!) display on Weak Auras.

Post 08 Sep 2011 00:29

Avatar Russenallen
Posts: 18
I'm trying to figure out how I could display it on my screen when this proc appears using Weak Auras addon, which I'm very unfamiliar with. I think a lot of marksman hunters use this addon and could help me to figure it out! Thanks already.

Re: Aimed shot! proc (Fire!) display on Weak Auras.

Post 08 Sep 2011 06:22

Avatar rinku
Posts: 49
./wa -> new -> import string


or manually ./wa -> new -> icon
trigger = aura
Aura Name: Fire!
Target = player
Aura type = buff

its also a good idea to change "display ->text -> %p" so it shows time remaining and set Load settings so that this current aura is only scanned when you are playing hunter and your spec is second spec(MM).