Hi all, my guilds currently working on heroic Rag and I would like some advice about what trinkets I should be using. After several nights of progress we have been able to get to the final phase but unfortunately our best efforts were 1-3% off and we were getting that third Living Meteor we cannot have. This is our raid comp: http://raidcomp.mmo-champion.com/?c=ue6 ... 0000000000 We also have a rogue that rotates in on occasion for this encounter. After reading and hearing lots about the Sorrowsong trinket I was wondering if, for the situation my guild is in, it is superior to the Moonwell Chalice for demo? Does it outweigh the massive damage bonus to the Doomguard and myself while in Meta form? I find that my DPS massively drops during World in Flames so I don't know how diminished the value of the spellpower proc becomes with the heavy movement.
Thanks for your time and would appreicate any other handy tips you could throw my way in regards to squeezing out every last bit of DPS in p3 (that may have been missed in Hermanni's brilliant guide!)
Heroic Rag 10 man trinkets
Heroic Rag 10 man trinkets
- Posts: 2
Re: Heroic Rag 10 man trinkets
- Posts: 201
Don't substitute the Chalice. Going with Volcano + Chalice is probably the best option. We didn't have access to Chalice when we were working on our first kill so that led to Sorrowsong.
How are you not making the DPS check with a 2 healer comp? We were 1-2% off from making P4 with one meteor back when we did 10 man Ragnaros. Are you not saving bloodlust here or what? Making P4 with a 2 healer comp should be the easiest thing at that fight.
How are you not making the DPS check with a 2 healer comp? We were 1-2% off from making P4 with one meteor back when we did 10 man Ragnaros. Are you not saving bloodlust here or what? Making P4 with a 2 healer comp should be the easiest thing at that fight.
Re: Heroic Rag 10 man trinkets
- Posts: 2
I think at the moment it's just a lack of practice as we have only done the whole of phase 3 with everyone alive three times, and with no melee our DPS during the movement for World in Flames really drops off asides from the ele shamans.
4 posts -