Hello Paragon.
I would like to ask you. On that Epic video how you killing Ragnaros is warlock witch has probably Power Aura / Weak Aura icon for Molten Seeds. This icon is up when seeds are going to explode. I tryed to creat it by myself, but it didnt work. Could you please tell me some basic important stuffs witch i must accept? Or if you will be so kind and will you export it here?
Ragnaros - Warlock UI
Ragnaros - Warlock UI
- Posts: 8
Re: Ragnaros - Warlock UI
- Posts: 341
- Code: Select all
Version:4.21; target:true; icon:spell_fire_ragnaros_molteninferno; buffname:Molten Seed; x:113; owntex:true; exact:true; size:0.38; y:-106; texmode:2; timer.h:2.22; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-100; timer.x:37; timer.Transparent:true
For that to work, you need to have the Molten Elemental targeted while it's still inside the seed (like you probably should anyway.)
3 posts -