1235 Haste vs 1850 Haste

Re: 1235 Haste vs 1850 Haste

Post 18 Aug 2011 00:36

Avatar rinku
Posts: 49
Andro wrote:But why is Devai playing with T12 4pc with haste reforged into mastery then? He is playing with exactly 1136 haste (8,87%) and 18,98% mastery right now!

a hint:
http://www.worldoflogs.com/rankings/pla ... ry_Hunter/

Re: 1235 Haste vs 1850 Haste

Post 18 Aug 2011 02:53

Avatar Jeslis
Posts: 9
Rinku - I think most of us know that Devai plays BM spec primary .. a point of which the previous poster seems to have missed and thought Devai played MM

What we want to know is -- MM spec, 4pt12, what does paragon do/recomend/think is the right way to go about this? Just reforge a flat Hit to cap, Crit > Haste > Mastery -- with no caps on haste? .. or get X haste without reforging away Crit, and then go mastery... etc.

Originally there was the post of 1850 haste for MM, but none of the paragon hunters (at least the 4 I was last aware of) of which play MM, have that high of a haste at any time I can tell through armory. (its entirely possible Im catching some special Rag spec or what not)

Personally I'm finding that the Crit > haste > mastery reforging puts me near 1800-1900 haste, and plays extremely nicely. I can't get any more crit via reforging, and I don't believe mastery would serve me any better.. But I do like to hear paragons thoughts on this :)

My hunters armory if it matters: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... s/advanced

Re: 1235 Haste vs 1850 Haste

Post 19 Aug 2011 10:38

Avatar Kerbaroth
Posts: 22
Browsing worldoflogs I discovered that many of the high ranked hunters do use the old Aimed hardcast rota on a lot of fights, especially Baleroc.
Up to now I was of the impression that this wasn't viable anymore...however they somehow proved me wrong.
Most of them also use > 1300 haste.

Re: 1235 Haste vs 1850 Haste

Post 21 Aug 2011 06:56

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
Regarding this, as an MM hunter, I've been keeping at about 1235 haste without the Tier 11 4 pc and dumping the rest of any hit over the cap and haste past 1235 into mastery. By doing this instead of stacking up haste (which I never did reach 1850, I was in the 1500's) I saw a dps increase by what seemed a substantial amount.

However, I am unsure if that stacking haste isn't actually beneficial UNTIL you can reach that 1850 haste plateu completely, and not anywhere in between. I would assume for now that if you canno't reach the 1850 haste plateu, keeping at 1235 haste and then stacking mastery might be the way to go. Furthermore, until I am able to reach 1850 haste, I canno't test this completely, so a response from Devai/Kruf to discuss this matter would be most benefical to put our minds at ease.


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