Combat question

Combat question

Post 18 Aug 2011 12:05

Avatar themaan
Posts: 23
Hey, i see many rogue that turn blade flurry on when they do killing spree even on single target, does this have any effect?

And my combat rogue is at 1742 haste atm and 913 hit 26 expertise, should i reforge anything of hit or exp into haste?

Re: Combat question

Post 19 Aug 2011 01:32

Avatar themaan
Posts: 23
anyone :)

Re: Combat question

Post 25 Aug 2011 02:09

Avatar Zikel
Posts: 3
Hi there,

A lot of rogues if given more than 1 mob at the time of Killing spree will toggle Blade Flurry on, as the random nature of KS's jumping means you have a chance to cleave. However it is possible if on a single target only they are doing it not to Energy Cap.

This is not recommended on a single target, as you should never energy cap during a KS.

IF you do get to the point where you are going to energy cap (everyone mucks up from time to time), you can FoK. This is not optimal at all, but better than energy capping / toggling Blade Flurry so you don't energy cap.