I don't pvp at all which leaves my experience and advice to be taken into account for strictly for pve. There's 2 choices for serious Horde PvE; Goblin and Troll. While they both have their perks. Trolls are mathematically the best choice, but it's so close and situational that Goblins and Trolls are both acceptable. Trolls give temporary haste which allows us to push the damage during the burn phase or (sometimes) get an extra tick on a dot like combustion. For arcane it's benefit decreases as you reach the soft haste cap. In fire it's dps benefit doesn't cap. It keeps pushing dot ticks and will continue to be good.
Goblins on the other hand are also great. It does basically the same thing; make dot ticks easier to reach. If you see that there's a dot tick you can reach playing goblin it could be better than troll (for fire). Goblins benefit to arcane is minimal. Haste is a bad stat for arcane and barely helps at all especially if your over the soft haste cap. I did a huge section on how to find this and what it is that you can look at if you wish to calculate it.
In summery you can really pick either one and be okay for your interest. If you were looking at joining a guild like Paragon I would say go troll unless you have a pretty strong mathematical reason for why that 1% haste is gonna help you.
Just so you know, there's a lot of threads on this you could have Googled before asking Paragon mages.
Best Horde Race
Re: Best Horde Race
- Posts: 190
Re: Best Horde Race
- Posts: 190
Sounds like a good plan. Have fun leveling and when you hit 85 be sure to let me know so I can tell you congrats.
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