Hi everyone.
So my problem is as follow. I have ran some theorycrafts simulations etc etc on few different programs and everylast one of them tells i should manage to do about 19.5k dps but i for some reason cant quite get there i hover around 13-17k.
my rotations are something like this: i make managem with presence of mind way before boss starts to get 2 free crits early on.
on pull i make mirror images 2-3sec before pull then i go AB spam for like 3-5 times eat managem and pop cd's and burn mana all the way to 25-35% then i go with AB 3-5x AMx2 if possible and try to hover about 10-20sec top 60% mana then i pop my flame orb and spam AM to regen mana then when ready going back to burn phase.
my armory link is : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/c ... mir/simple
so if you could give me some pointers about what im doing wrong and i know that im missing few enchants and couple wrong gems but simulation was done ofc with gear i posted before and still i cant get there :F
cant get myself into guilds progression group because of my low dps and i realy would like to rise it to lvl of my gear +18k to get into FL group :) thank you hope your advices help me :)
Arcane dps problem
Arcane dps problem
- Posts: 3
Re: Arcane dps problem
- Posts: 5
What about evocation which give you 60% mana back ? The key is burn phase then evocation then eco phase ( 3-4 AB 1 AM) then when cd is up burn phase again. But that's the basic . I'm pretty sure Guromin is going to write a completer post to help you out. But it's really basic question which you could have answer yourself reading this forum or Googling (arcane cycle)
Re: Arcane dps problem
- Posts: 16
I think your low DPS comes down to A LOT of minor mistakes and (maybe) 1 major, which together makes you lose tons of DPS.
The major mistake is: I see glyph of molten armor... You wan't glyph of mage armor, and you wanna use it! Molten armor is not worth it for arcane.
You should on pull pop potion. This can help you push your damage a little further (Volcanic Potion that is). Then you do your 4 AB (you should have lost your 12k mana, if not just throw one more) then pop gem + AP + trinkets (in your case, Soul Casket). Then you go for the 30%. Make sure you don't have anything interrupting your evo for 5 seconds, and then pop it. Then you just stay on 90-95% mana. This takes practice practice practice! You can use ManaMagenementBar if you like, it can help some times.
Don't go for 60% mana and regain it with flame orb. Flame orb should just be used off cooldown ALL the time, unless you know you will have to move in like 10-15 seconds, you can use it there if blink is not enough / to much.
Personally I pop mirrors about 10 seconds into my AP (AP Makes it instant = no damage loss) and it removes my threat, so the latter you can pop it the better, but ofc you wan't it off cooldown, so it can get back again :) Just like flame orb.
Gems / Enchants
You mention that you know you lack enchants / you have wrong gems, why don't you fix it? It's not enough to just realise it. It would give you a damage buff, and that's what you want :)
I recommend improved blink, but it's up to every mage if they like to use it or not. I use it, and take the 2 points from Nether Vortex.
Get rid of spirit items (bracer) and gem correctly. When you say you know they are wrong, I dunno how much you know so I will add it anyway:
Int in every socket!
If the socket bonus is 20 int, get Hit + Int or Mastery + Int.
Hit or Mastery + speed on boots.
Mastery on hands.
Bigger shoulder enchant.
40 int + belt buckle with 40 int in belt.
There's probably more, but these were just the ones I found at first glance.
And to get even more damage? Abuse your Mage Ward. Whenever you know you will be hit by fire damage within 30 sec, pop it! Fx: Smoldering devestation at Beth, Spear at Shannox, Scorpion Phase at Majordomo, Traps at Ragnaros. There's more for sure, but these are the major ones.
Hope this helps,
Shizzy @ Darksorrow
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced
The major mistake is: I see glyph of molten armor... You wan't glyph of mage armor, and you wanna use it! Molten armor is not worth it for arcane.
You should on pull pop potion. This can help you push your damage a little further (Volcanic Potion that is). Then you do your 4 AB (you should have lost your 12k mana, if not just throw one more) then pop gem + AP + trinkets (in your case, Soul Casket). Then you go for the 30%. Make sure you don't have anything interrupting your evo for 5 seconds, and then pop it. Then you just stay on 90-95% mana. This takes practice practice practice! You can use ManaMagenementBar if you like, it can help some times.
Don't go for 60% mana and regain it with flame orb. Flame orb should just be used off cooldown ALL the time, unless you know you will have to move in like 10-15 seconds, you can use it there if blink is not enough / to much.
Personally I pop mirrors about 10 seconds into my AP (AP Makes it instant = no damage loss) and it removes my threat, so the latter you can pop it the better, but ofc you wan't it off cooldown, so it can get back again :) Just like flame orb.
Gems / Enchants
You mention that you know you lack enchants / you have wrong gems, why don't you fix it? It's not enough to just realise it. It would give you a damage buff, and that's what you want :)
I recommend improved blink, but it's up to every mage if they like to use it or not. I use it, and take the 2 points from Nether Vortex.
Get rid of spirit items (bracer) and gem correctly. When you say you know they are wrong, I dunno how much you know so I will add it anyway:
Int in every socket!
If the socket bonus is 20 int, get Hit + Int or Mastery + Int.
Hit or Mastery + speed on boots.
Mastery on hands.
Bigger shoulder enchant.
40 int + belt buckle with 40 int in belt.
There's probably more, but these were just the ones I found at first glance.
And to get even more damage? Abuse your Mage Ward. Whenever you know you will be hit by fire damage within 30 sec, pop it! Fx: Smoldering devestation at Beth, Spear at Shannox, Scorpion Phase at Majordomo, Traps at Ragnaros. There's more for sure, but these are the major ones.
Hope this helps,
Shizzy @ Darksorrow
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced
Did everybody see that? Because I will NOT be doing it again! Cpt. Jack Sparrow
Re: Arcane dps problem
- Posts: 3
thanks that realy helped me + my gear is updated since u saw it i think. but gems not changed though :) well anyways thanks for help and btw after i posted i got into my guilds FL group been and they raided it for 2weeks now and im allready 4/6 :) ty for infos
5 posts -