Hi Xenophics,
This is my character:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... eux/simple
I used you as a template for the talents and the glyphs
I used http://www.wowreforge.com to reforge my gear with.
1st question:
I can see that you dont go for 17% hit, how far below is "safe" enough to drop my hit?
I have this rotation:
Starting: Berserking->vampiric touch->devouring plague->Shadow Word: Pain->shadow word: death->shadowfiend
Main: mind flay->mind flay->mind blast->mind flay->mind flay->mind flay->mind flay->mind blast->devouring plague->SW:D
Vampiric touch (inbetween), Archangel when on 5 stacks and off CD, and Shadowfiend when off CD
I do 17k on a target dummy, with only my own buffs (no food)
2nd question:
Some says dont use SW:D in the rotation, but it is my best mana return, so SWD or not?
3rd question:
Is 17k on a target dummy (for my gear): hopeless, medium, or accepteble or what can I do to improve?
Any comment are welcome, and I hope you have time to look at my post.
Shadow priest questions.
Shadow priest questions.
- Posts: 2
Re: Shadow priest questions.
- Posts: 19
culleux wrote:Hi Xenophics,
This is my character:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... eux/simple
I used you as a template for the talents and the glyphs
I used http://www.wowreforge.com to reforge my gear with.
1st question:
I can see that you dont go for 17% hit, how far below is "safe" enough to drop my hit?
I have this rotation:
Starting: Berserking->vampiric touch->devouring plague->Shadow Word: Pain->shadow word: death->shadowfiend
Main: mind flay->mind flay->mind blast->mind flay->mind flay->mind flay->mind flay->mind blast->devouring plague->SW:D
Vampiric touch (inbetween), Archangel when on 5 stacks and off CD, and Shadowfiend when off CD
I do 17k on a target dummy, with only my own buffs (no food)
2nd question:
Some says dont use SW:D in the rotation, but it is my best mana return, so SWD or not?
3rd question:
Is 17k on a target dummy (for my gear): hopeless, medium, or accepteble or what can I do to improve?
Any comment are welcome, and I hope you have time to look at my post.
hello there!
I give you some answers while Xeno is busy..(I am bored at work).
17k for dummy is really ok. Just make sure you do more than 3 million dmg on dummy because then dmg is kinda stable. I got just a bit better gear than you and I do 17-18k to dummy (5 million dmg allways when doing tests). Dont use Sw:d in rotation only when boss is under 25%. You should not have mana problems if you are not using mindspikes..but anyway if you have ofc then you gotta use swd. And you might save some mana if you put your Mental Agility 3/3 (disc tree). Oh and the hit thingy. Well it depends how fast you can react when you miss target and recast spell. But normally about 16.5% is fine. Its like 1 miss per boss.
Re: Shadow priest questions.
- Posts: 7
Hey there.
I had previously posted on another post about some peoples reforging. I find it odd when people remove a stat for another stat when they are removing that stat on another item for the other stat like removing haste for hit then on another item hit to haste. It is strange to me why that would make sense. Anyways, I took a look at your gear and its not bad, a little low on int/sp overall but manageable plus fix the reforging. I went to chardev and played around with your reforging and came up with this.
This gives you beast haste which means another VT tick and almost hit capped if that is what you are going for. More mastery little less mastery but with that haste boost, it should help your dps alot. Changed out some gems too for more sp.
Anyways, its always good to have haste at that amount for more ticks and of course more sp. If you want to compare with my gear or make suggestions towards me, go ahead http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... e/advanced .
Those are my suggestions. GL and happy raiding :)
I had previously posted on another post about some peoples reforging. I find it odd when people remove a stat for another stat when they are removing that stat on another item for the other stat like removing haste for hit then on another item hit to haste. It is strange to me why that would make sense. Anyways, I took a look at your gear and its not bad, a little low on int/sp overall but manageable plus fix the reforging. I went to chardev and played around with your reforging and came up with this.
This gives you beast haste which means another VT tick and almost hit capped if that is what you are going for. More mastery little less mastery but with that haste boost, it should help your dps alot. Changed out some gems too for more sp.
Anyways, its always good to have haste at that amount for more ticks and of course more sp. If you want to compare with my gear or make suggestions towards me, go ahead http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... e/advanced .
Those are my suggestions. GL and happy raiding :)
4 posts -