Hi, im just having a few basic questions that i'll probly be chastised for.
first off what is the math on T11 4set vs T12 2set, i got T11 as 553 mp5 and T12 was around 465 mp5, but then uptime comes in and chakra has 100% uptime and on certain fights divine fire isnt anywhere near 80% uptime but others i have it at 98%. so im just wondering if my math is wrong or maybe i missed something?
second i would like to know about the actual gear, granted we have three non set items that actually drop for us in that hell hole. so i was wondering if maybe the belt from rag reforged to spirit would be wise? and ive heard that the jaws of defeat barely surpasses fall of mortality. is this true?
i play holy in 25man and i dont yet have access to hardmode gear nor past hard mode gear to replace my darkmoon card tsunami with and ill supply a link to my character for reference n general corrections.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... a/advanced
Gearing in FL
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Gearing in FL
- Posts: 16
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 16
also, a quick question for Jhazrun, im looking for some advice for heroic shannox and alys, as currently these are the only problem fights for me meter wise in reg mode, im worried about my performance hardmode
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 390
Teresina wrote:first off what is the math on T11 4set vs T12 2set, i got T11 as 553 mp5 and T12 was around 465 mp5, but then uptime comes in and chakra has 100% uptime and on certain fights divine fire isnt anywhere near 80% uptime but others i have it at 98%. so im just wondering if my math is wrong or maybe i missed something?
For Holy, the T11 bonus indeed generates more mana than the T12 bonus. Was there something else to the… problem?
Teresina wrote:i was wondering if maybe the belt from rag reforged to spirit would be wise?
The normal version is nothing to write home about if upgraded to from 372 Wavecrest/Undertow, but if all you have is 359, then… go for it?
Teresina wrote:ive heard that the jaws of defeat barely surpasses fall of mortality. is this true?
378 over 372? Maybe not. Of course, you might be talking about your own 359, in which case you're really letting me off easy here (again).
Teresina wrote:i play holy in 25man and i dont yet have access to hardmode gear nor past hard mode gear to replace my darkmoon card tsunami with and ill supply a link to my character for reference n general corrections.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... a/advanced
Focused Will is a bit weird, and the reminder of Divine Fury's unimpressiveness saddens me, but overall it… looks just fine? Is there something you suspect to be out of order?
Teresina wrote:im worried about my performance hardmode
Perish the thought. There's little you can do short of poisoning the other healers.
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 16
yes...my 359s are disgraceful...currently run into a problem where my healing class lead believes that i need to be disc for certain fights too..gotta figure out how to wiggle out of that one..and thank you for you input it really helps
although id be grateful if you could give me solid reasons to not go disc for many fights 25man as so far the best ive got is that it lowers my overall throughput as well as raid effectiveness
although id be grateful if you could give me solid reasons to not go disc for many fights 25man as so far the best ive got is that it lowers my overall throughput as well as raid effectiveness
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 16
also do you see any point in getting 25% mastery or more? i figured itd be interesting to see echoes of light as the top heal spell for rhyolith but otherwise idk if its a waste to do it although im not really sacrificing anything
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 390
Teresina wrote:also do you see any point in getting 25% mastery or more?
You... have however much Mastery your items give you. Why's it that you suspect otherwise?
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 16
im just screwing around with mastery ratings, also any way i could con my way out of being forced disc for rhyolith?
basically im asking you for viability for holy on rhyolith against disc
basically im asking you for viability for holy on rhyolith against disc
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 390
Teresina wrote:im asking you for viability for holy on rhyolith against disc
It's not too bad on ten, though hopeless on 25, of course.
Re: Gearing in FL
- Posts: 16
what makes it hopeless though, all in all it only brings in barrier, but my raid lead isnt accepting that as an answer
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