First place i would like to congrats everyone for their excelent raiding.
I have been checking the posts on your forums and other forums about mastery and hit and its more then
obvious the stats priority for this last patch althougt some guides still sugest high mastery gives the some results has high hit in titans grip.
But, with the high increase of attack power our white damage is high, there fore i believe crit>hit is the way.
But at the expense of how much mastery?
I have noticed that after the 14% hit mark the miss chance slowly improves or only slighty affects the dps improvement...
So having 5 points of mastery gives you about 10% benefit from being enraged. Not giving death wish, berserker rage and raging blow the diserved priority and apreciation you would expect from duel wielding. Making fury really trivial spec.
What would be the ideal mastery rating without compromissing crit and hit?
Or whay would be the best balance between hit mastery and/or crit?
Or just crit>hit all the way?
Best Regards
Note* dont pay attention to may stats in armory if checked.
How much is to much?
How much is to much?
- Posts: 2
Re: How much is to much?
- Posts: 11
Its going to be just strait up Crit>hit. At my gear level, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... n/advanced I dont get up to 14% hit. Alot of that depends on the gear you have, with getting the 26 exp and getting crit on every peace of gear to max crit I dont hit that high. So just Crit>hit is the best. be maxing crit on every peace of gear you can. Heart of Rage and License to slay are Exp and hit trinkets. I reforge to crit and other peaces of gear that already have crit on them to hit and exp to get as much crit as possible. With BS I have 25% atm.
Re: How much is to much?
- Posts: 2
Ty for the replay gunthan.
If anyone else has a diferent opinion pls feel free to replay and explain.
Nice summer for all
and bests
If anyone else has a diferent opinion pls feel free to replay and explain.
Nice summer for all
and bests
3 posts -