Hi guys, so I'm a Fury Warrior (TG) ilvl 365ish and I was wondering which 2 Trinkets I should be using. The ones I have available are Heart of Rage HC, Apparatus of Khaz'Goroth (Normal), License to Slay, Dwyer's Caber and Fury of Angerforge.
I was thinking of going Heart of Rage + AoK, but I'm not really sure.
Here's my Armory Link in case it will make any difference: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... ria/simple
Any suggestions?
Thx in advance.
TG Fury Warrior (Trinkets)
TG Fury Warrior (Trinkets)
- Posts: 3
Re: TG Fury Warrior (Trinkets)
- Posts: 144
Heart of Rage HC, Apparatus of Khaz'Goroth (Normal)
Yes, use those trinkets until you get revered with Avengers of Hyjal, then you can buy [Essence of the Eternal Flame] (replacing Apparatus with that)
Re: TG Fury Warrior (Trinkets)
- Posts: 3
Ok, thanks for the reply. And when I get the Heroic version of Apparatus use that one again I assume?
5 posts -