Hello guys i need help for my rogue i dont know what to reforge and my cap of haste - hit -mastery. can you please inspect my character in wow armory and tell me what to change in reforge. My character is [ Nymbas @ Twilight's Hammer europe realm ]
Thank you for your interest.
Guys i Need help with my rogue for my dps
Re: Guys i Need help with my rogue for my dps
- Posts: 1
Reforgenator is an addon that helps with Reforging. it goes by the Elitistjerks page as far as stats and such. you can find it on Curse.com
Re: Guys i Need help with my rogue for my dps
- Posts: 3
shadowcraft.mmo-mumble.com/ is the most common reforge / spreadsheet to use these days. Very use friendly and very accurate.
3 posts -