Which dagger is best to use in off hand for rogue

Which dagger is best to use in off hand for rogue

Post 05 Aug 2011 21:42

Avatar themaan
Posts: 23
Can anyone answer me on which dagger is best in off hand for assasination rogue AND which ones is best for combat rogue

The dagger from chogall which is 1.40 speed or the dagger from shannox which is 1.80 but obv better stats.

also for combat rogue the sword shall be used in MH over dagger yes?

Re: Which dagger is best to use in off hand for rogue

Post 05 Aug 2011 23:05

Avatar Diahi
Posts: 202
Always use the fastest possible dagger in your offhand, no matter which spec you play. I'm not sure about the exact numbers, but the difference between 1.8 and 1.4 offhand is probably like 500 dps in favor of the fast one, you'd need a huge amount of stats to compete with that. You can test it with Shadowcraft if you want.

Combat favors slow main hand weapons, same with other specs. Sub always wants a slow dagger main hand.

Combat / Mutilate / Subtlety guides.
Shadowcraft spreadsheet.

Re: Which dagger is best to use in off hand for rogue

Post 05 Aug 2011 23:11

Avatar themaan
Posts: 23
tyvm <3