Hey, and gz with the raggy hc kill :) (btw hate u a little bit for using just 32 tries on 10man hc :p )
Anyways to my question.
Was looking at mmo-champ and your raidcomp setup thing.
I noticed that u put a demolock on all fights.
Does that mean i should go demo on all fights in FL?
Our setup atm is Druid and W tank, lock(me), Spriest, mage, hunter, EnhaShammy, Hpala, Rshammy, Rdruid.
Done shannox hc and working on more hc's.
I like the demo spec, so wouldnt mind going full demo, but not sure that respeccing my haste down to 1846 is a good idea unless im gonna be demo on almost all fights?
My other specc is destro and I will have 2437+(im goblin) haste today when i buy tier gloves.
always demo for FL 10man?
always demo for FL 10man?
- Posts: 7
Re: always demo for FL 10man?
- Posts: 27
- Location: US-Azralon
My bet is that the lock was Demo because of the 10% SP buff. Confirmation would be nice though.
Re: always demo for FL 10man?
- Posts: 27
- Location: US-Azralon
Hermanni wrote:And why would you bet we had 3 demos...? :>
OT, unless you have Elemental in raid you'll probably always want to be Demo in 10-man nowadays.
Because it's currently the best damage spec? I know it is in theory and in BiS gear, but is it also in practice?
If it is, and I think it probably is, I realize my comment didn't make much sense since Demo would give the best raid buff plus deal the most damage... I raid 10-man and always raided as Destro, but I recently changed to Demo and got the Moonwell Chalice with much better results, plus I'm buffing the raid properly.
Another reason could probably be the Felguard stun for adds? And maybe Hand of Gul'dan root? (I'm almost sure roots don't work but I thought I could make sure)
Destro has a better stun, but it's currently dealing less damage than the other two as I understand.
I also didn't check your 25man comp for other fights, so I'm not sure if you're going 3xDemo on all/most of them or only Ragnaros.
Re: always demo for FL 10man?
- Posts: 341
Xayide wrote:Hermanni wrote:And why would you bet we had 3 demos...? :>
OT, unless you have Elemental in raid you'll probably always want to be Demo in 10-man nowadays.
Because it's currently the best damage spec? I know it is in theory and in BiS gear, but is it also in practice?
If it is, and I think it probably is, I realize my comment didn't make much sense since Demo would give the best raid buff plus deal the most damage... I raid 10-man and always raided as Destro, but I recently changed to Demo and got the Moonwell Chalice with much better results, plus I'm buffing the raid properly.
Another reason could probably be the Felguard stun for adds? And maybe Hand of Gul'dan root? (I'm almost sure roots don't work but I thought I could make sure)
Destro has a better stun, but it's currently dealing less damage than the other two as I understand.
I also didn't check your 25man comp for other fights, so I'm not sure if you're going 3xDemo on all/most of them or only Ragnaros.
I've got something that should explain it coming up in a bit.
I can say the main reason for bringing Demo is the raw output you can put in p3 with double cooldowns + Doomguard, enabling you to push it with 2 meteors.
Re: always demo for FL 10man?
- Posts: 28
Hermanni wrote:OT, unless you have Elemental in raid you'll probably always want to be Demo in 10-man nowadays.
In our 10-man-comp we have a elemental shaman and I effectively only provide the 5%-crit debuff on the target, so could you make a list which spec performs best at the several fights? would really appreciate it :)
Re: always demo for FL 10man?
- Posts: 91
Taomi wrote:Hermanni wrote:OT, unless you have Elemental in raid you'll probably always want to be Demo in 10-man nowadays.
In our 10-man-comp we have a elemental shaman and I effectively only provide the 5%-crit debuff on the target, so could you make a list which spec performs best at the several fights? would really appreciate it :)
The performance from each spec depends not only the encounter but the speficic needs your guild has during them. When using Ragnaros as an example, if you are looking for better overall dps, I'm pretty sure affliction beats demonology especially if you are forced to move and also does overall better execute damage. The benefit of demonology in that encounter is the cooldowns of demo spec, which can and will increase your dps for a short duration to considerably higher numbers than affliction is able to reach. One of the flaws on demo spec is also the fact that you sacrifice more dps by not being able to stand in melee.
In fights with aoe or certain phases where burn phase is what matters, demonology is better (Rhyolith, Bethilac if you are needed for spiderlings, Ragnaros if you are having trouble with reaching two meteors) while I believe affliction outperforms demo in the rest (Alysrazor flying duty benefits a lot of the fact that most of the damage from affliction can't be haste capped, Shannox benefits affliction if you are actually killing the dog(s) like we do and Majordomo involves a bit of movement).
So in terms of e-peen and topping the meters, I'd say
Shannox Affliction (If you don't harm the dogs, the difference depends how you handle the movement during the encounter)
Bethilac Demonology (If you have other dps for spiderlings, the difference is smaller but should still be worth it for the burn phase)
Lord Rhyolith Demonology (Again depends where your group requires dps but demo should perform best in almost every situation)
Alysrazor Affliction (If you aren't flying, I'm not even sure which one performs better but I'm pretty sure demo can compete well if given at least one feather)
Baleroc Affliction (Again depends pretty much how you handle the movement, the fight allows both of the specs to be pretty equal but if you can't keep your demo warlock on melee or need him running around like a headless chicken after crystals, affliction is your better choice)
Majordomo Affliction (Can't really find any reason to bring demonology warlock for this encounter unless you lack the ele shaman but if someone wants to educate me about that, please do)
Ragnaros Affliction (However, if you require better aoe on seeds/sons or as stated before a better burst to reach P4 with only 2 meteors, demonology is a clear choice)
However, everything depends on the individual needs of your group and both of the specs are pretty good at the moment, so you are pretty much safe to choose the one you like more.
Sorry that the message isn't as well structured as it should, I'm writing this in a small hurry :)
Edit: I just realized that I wrote this post from the perspective of 25 man raids but I'm pretty sure most of it still holds true.
8 posts -