I've been raiding for a few years now. I think I am decent at my class, but lately I feel like I am slipping quite a bit. I'm also RL of my 10 man group, so I feel my dps suffers a little because of it.
Here is my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/g ... d/advanced
Here is my WoLs: http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/82801/ (I'm 100% attendance, so any day will do, we are 4/7 currently)
I am a little unsure of what gear to use at the moment.
I switched back to the T11 4 set after reading how much our T12 sucks. However, I do have 3 pieces of T12(gloves, legs, and chest).
My other options are:
Trinkets: Rune of Zeth, Heroic Bell of Enraging Resonance, and Heart of Ignacious
Rings: Ring of the Boy Emperor (I am saving Valor for the ring atm, so I should have that next week)
Shoulders: Heroic Mantle of Roaring Flames
I use Mr. Robot, and I use simcraft, but I just can't get a solid answer as to what I should be using.
I would appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks in advance.
Arcane Mage, gear help
Arcane Mage, gear help
- Posts: 5
Re: Arcane Mage, gear help
- Posts: 190
I will defiantly agree with you when you say that Ask Mr Robot doesn't exactly give you a perfect best in slot list. Your best selection for trinkets is Theralions Mirror and Darkmoon Card: Volcano. I ran this through several different theory crafting programs to determine which would be the best combination of trinkets. All of them seemed to agree that what you have on now is the best combination. If your doing the Hyjal dailies they give a trinket (365 item level) that would be a considerably strong upgrade from Darkmoon Card: Volcano. Moonwell Challice is the name if the trinket.
I've been a raid leader in the past (and a guild master) and I can agree completely that raid leading can effect your dps. My raid leader in Peachy Keen is also effected by it, so it's nothing out of the ordinary. At the same time there's a lot of pressure on you as a raid leader to be doing well and if your dps isn't at least comparable to other members of the raid then it's best we work to fix that!
You mentioned having 3 items of the t12 4 set, which is good that you have it, but also bad because those items will just sit in your bag until blizzard changes the set bonus or start to upgrade them to heroic. I know your saving for the ring now, which is good. Defiantly put the neck on your wish list too, unless you get the neck from Majordomo Staghelm which is Best in Slot.
Apologies on the short response, but you had a well aimed question and clear knowledge of your class. I'd love to see more questions like this one. I did spend more time actually double checking my answer since there was less questions to answer.
If you have a question that could benefit others please post it here. For anything else send me a private message!
I will defiantly agree with you when you say that Ask Mr Robot doesn't exactly give you a perfect best in slot list. Your best selection for trinkets is Theralions Mirror and Darkmoon Card: Volcano. I ran this through several different theory crafting programs to determine which would be the best combination of trinkets. All of them seemed to agree that what you have on now is the best combination. If your doing the Hyjal dailies they give a trinket (365 item level) that would be a considerably strong upgrade from Darkmoon Card: Volcano. Moonwell Challice is the name if the trinket.
I've been a raid leader in the past (and a guild master) and I can agree completely that raid leading can effect your dps. My raid leader in Peachy Keen is also effected by it, so it's nothing out of the ordinary. At the same time there's a lot of pressure on you as a raid leader to be doing well and if your dps isn't at least comparable to other members of the raid then it's best we work to fix that!
You mentioned having 3 items of the t12 4 set, which is good that you have it, but also bad because those items will just sit in your bag until blizzard changes the set bonus or start to upgrade them to heroic. I know your saving for the ring now, which is good. Defiantly put the neck on your wish list too, unless you get the neck from Majordomo Staghelm which is Best in Slot.
Apologies on the short response, but you had a well aimed question and clear knowledge of your class. I'd love to see more questions like this one. I did spend more time actually double checking my answer since there was less questions to answer.
If you have a question that could benefit others please post it here. For anything else send me a private message!
Re: Arcane Mage, gear help
- Posts: 5
Thank you for the response. I do have the Moonwell Chalice, I forgot to list it. I'll test that out and see how it is. It's a shame our T12 is weak. Have you heard anything about Blizzard intending to change it?
I've been trying to get the tier 11 helm so I could at least make the 378 craftable gloves, or use the 372 shoulders I have, but no luck yet.
I've been trying to get the tier 11 helm so I could at least make the 378 craftable gloves, or use the 372 shoulders I have, but no luck yet.
Re: Arcane Mage, gear help
- Posts: 190
I have been searching the blizzard forums for any plans to change the set bonus and I have yet to hear of any plans from Blizzard to change it. They haven't really made any statements about it. I will keep looking and make a post if I hear of any changes, but don't count on it right now. It could be quite a long time before we hear of any plans for them to change it.
I'm glad to hear you have Moonwell Chalice, because it's a strong trinket that compares to the Heroic version of Theralions Mirror. I would replace the Darkmoon Card: Volcano with it. I would also keep trying to obtain the t11 Vanquisher helm. It's a luxury to have all 5 set times so you can swap them in and out for the best gear set so keep working on that. I hope to hear you got some better luck soon!
I have been searching the blizzard forums for any plans to change the set bonus and I have yet to hear of any plans from Blizzard to change it. They haven't really made any statements about it. I will keep looking and make a post if I hear of any changes, but don't count on it right now. It could be quite a long time before we hear of any plans for them to change it.
I'm glad to hear you have Moonwell Chalice, because it's a strong trinket that compares to the Heroic version of Theralions Mirror. I would replace the Darkmoon Card: Volcano with it. I would also keep trying to obtain the t11 Vanquisher helm. It's a luxury to have all 5 set times so you can swap them in and out for the best gear set so keep working on that. I hope to hear you got some better luck soon!
Re: Arcane Mage, gear help
- Posts: 5
So this weeks raid went a lot better for me. I ended up top dps on every fight, and we killed two new bosses. I completely forgot that we hadn't had a class bringing the 8% SD debuff in the raid for awhile, which was part of the reason my numbers were pretty low. This week I went up to 20-25k depending on the fight. I still think I can improve, and will keep working on it. But thanks for your help thus far, it has helped.
So this weeks raid went a lot better for me. I ended up top dps on every fight, and we killed two new bosses. I completely forgot that we hadn't had a class bringing the 8% SD debuff in the raid for awhile, which was part of the reason my numbers were pretty low. This week I went up to 20-25k depending on the fight. I still think I can improve, and will keep working on it. But thanks for your help thus far, it has helped.
5 posts -