Hello there, I've played wow now for a mby a year or two, however until now i've been pvping almost constantly. I just decided to try out pve, im playing arcane, just like everybody else but with a low ilvl of around 359-363 give or take. As im only doing raids on 10 man normal i dont find tactics and likewise very hard, it's the gearin part that troubbles me. I've checked alot of well known mages out but it seems that no specific stat is in focus, all of you seem to split the statgain pretty equally. As my armory link is broken and have been so for quite a while i cannot link my armory, even tho i could it would most likely just show my pvp gear. So is there any specific reccomendations about gems, enchants and stats that should be in focus while playing arcane?
Ofc im hitcapped but other that that i really dont know what to aim for, My DPS is currently on 17-23k which i find abit low, most dk's warlocks and hunters are making me feel pretty crappy.
Thankful for any possible response // Hokus
- Posts: 3
Re: Arcane
- Posts: 118
Hello there Hokuspokus
You should gem every slot with 40int as far as you don't get 20 or more int from putting up 20int20hit or 20int20mastery gem and with enchants just go with int and mastery enchants on gloves, bracers, cloak, 20 all stats on chest, power torrent on weapon and lavawalker on boots, you will need that minor movement speed.
Secondary stats are pretty tricky for arcane since I'm not even 100% sure myself. I think the best way to go is to get hit cap, haste soft cap (1 second 4stack AB during bloodlust) and then go for mastery, I think most people prefer mastery over crit even though they are pretty close to each other according to simcraft. Which of them is better depends on your current gear, but they are really close anyways so I would say it's safe to just go with mastery.
The haste soft cap with 4 pieces of tier 11 is 311 rating and 1768 rating without it (with all raid buffs of course), so if you don't happen to have 4pt11 you are gonna need a lot more haste.
You should gem every slot with 40int as far as you don't get 20 or more int from putting up 20int20hit or 20int20mastery gem and with enchants just go with int and mastery enchants on gloves, bracers, cloak, 20 all stats on chest, power torrent on weapon and lavawalker on boots, you will need that minor movement speed.
Secondary stats are pretty tricky for arcane since I'm not even 100% sure myself. I think the best way to go is to get hit cap, haste soft cap (1 second 4stack AB during bloodlust) and then go for mastery, I think most people prefer mastery over crit even though they are pretty close to each other according to simcraft. Which of them is better depends on your current gear, but they are really close anyways so I would say it's safe to just go with mastery.
The haste soft cap with 4 pieces of tier 11 is 311 rating and 1768 rating without it (with all raid buffs of course), so if you don't happen to have 4pt11 you are gonna need a lot more haste.
Re: Arcane
- Posts: 190
Iiris really hit a bulls-eye. I couldn't have said it better myself. Probably safe to assume someone from paragon going to post correct information. There's kinda a debate out there about getting to the soft haste cap for arcane, but getting to it so easy that you generally don't need to reforge to it. Already I take 610 points out of my haste and sit at 972 haste. I know that I may have a few more items with haste than you or a few higher item level pieces, but I think with an item level of about 359 you should be okay on the soft haste cap. Like Iiris said, you can't go wrong reforging to mastery.
Quoting a post I made a few hours ago about the value of stats for arcane.
Great place to start: http://elitistjerks.com/f75/t118084-cataclysm_arcane_mage_compendium/
Reforging and Gemming: http://www.askmrrobot.com
Simulation Craft:http://code.google.com/p/simulationcraft/
Rwar: [url]http://rawr.codeplex.com/
If you have any other question feel free to send me a Private Message or post a reply on this thread.
Iiris really hit a bulls-eye. I couldn't have said it better myself. Probably safe to assume someone from paragon going to post correct information. There's kinda a debate out there about getting to the soft haste cap for arcane, but getting to it so easy that you generally don't need to reforge to it. Already I take 610 points out of my haste and sit at 972 haste. I know that I may have a few more items with haste than you or a few higher item level pieces, but I think with an item level of about 359 you should be okay on the soft haste cap. Like Iiris said, you can't go wrong reforging to mastery.
ntellect > Hit Rating > Spell Power > Haste (to soft haste cap) > Mastery > Critical Strike > Haste (past the soft haste cap)
Your main goal in gearing an arcane mage is essentially to get as much intellect as possible. Intellect is 3.6 times better than Mastery and Critical Strike and even far surpasses the value of Hit Rating. Getting more intellect increases the damage our spells deal, our mana pool, and the amount of mana we regenerate from Mage Armor. That part is generally pretty easy, because you can't reforge to intellect. The other stats make it a little trickier, so like I said before you should check out Ask Mr Robot to calculate that for you. There is one other program that I use to optimize my gear and thats Rawr. Ironically I posted just a few days ago about how much I hate rawr and it just over-values haste. I went back to verify it was still horrendously out of date and was happily surprised to find it up to date. Before I go into talking about rawr I want to mention that Ask Mr Robot is a lot simpler than rawr especially if you don't have a lot of time to figure out how to use it. If you are interested (or someone else reading this post) I will explain what makes rawr better than Ask Mr Robot.
Ask Mr Robot calculates your optimal gear configuration using linear values. They don't change and they don't scale. Rawr calculates the best way to gear your character by using a dynamic method of calculating your stat weights at each gear level. It also has the ability for you to select all of the gear you have currently obtained (multiple items for the same slot) and tell you what the best way to gear it. Ask Mr Robot cannot do this. As someone who will greed on any gear that would otherwise be disenchanted so that I have flexibility to switch my set bonus's around I find this feature to be incredibly helpful. It was a good day when I realized they updated Rawr. If your wondering, I take the gear and spend tons of gold to enchant it and donate a Maelstrom to the guild bank so it's never missed.
Quoting a post I made a few hours ago about the value of stats for arcane.
Great place to start: http://elitistjerks.com/f75/t118084-cataclysm_arcane_mage_compendium/
Reforging and Gemming: http://www.askmrrobot.com
Simulation Craft:http://code.google.com/p/simulationcraft/
Rwar: [url]http://rawr.codeplex.com/
If you have any other question feel free to send me a Private Message or post a reply on this thread.
4 posts -