-> To Tuutti and Nize
So i was just looking at Tuutti's and Nize's armory and saw that almost all your reforges goes for Haste. How important is that? And when can you exactly start forging haste. Can you start when you got the soft caps (26Exper,8%hit)? Or whats the point?
Paragon DW reforge..
Paragon DW reforge..
- Posts: 6
Re: Paragon DW reforge..
- Posts: 3
Well from what I saw on EJ DK post after you get 26 expertise and 8% you go for as much haste as possible because it will give you more Killing Machine procs and if your 2h more RP from Might of Frozen Wastes.
http://elitistjerks.com/f72/t121704-fro ... _all_odds/
http://elitistjerks.com/f72/t121704-fro ... _all_odds/
3 posts -