Felguard on Ragnaros
Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 7
So yes i was wondering why you locks were so wierd to use felguard in p1 and possible other places where felhunter would out dps felguard by lots.
Re: Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 7
Hehe, was just about to ask the same :p
Just watched the 25hc kill video, man that looks amazing! Trying not to sound too much like at fanboy but omg u guys are awsome :)
Just watched the 25hc kill video, man that looks amazing! Trying not to sound too much like at fanboy but omg u guys are awsome :)
Re: Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 7
It might not be so important, but seeing as your currently rank 1 guild why would you not push your very best always? I simply dont get it.
Summoning a felhunter instead of a felguard before the pull its like yehhh....
Summoning a felhunter instead of a felguard before the pull its like yehhh....
Re: Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 7
Thats just like saying ive used shadowbolt to much the last wipes so now im just gonna use incinerate all the time..
Re: Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 273
If 100% gets you killed even once during those 500 wipes (and you're raiding 12h+ sometimes here), it's not worth it during p1. 95% and no deaths is better.
arx / xaar
Re: Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 7
Ive raided 12h + myself, yes i know its a pain in the ass, yes its exausting, but i dont understand why you should gear down on your own gameplay when it comes to something like this, its just silly.
Re: Felguard on Ragnaros
- Posts: 155
You want to save soul shards for multiple reasons: Health stone last stand, pet swap on burn phase, soul fire when dodging engulf during burn phase and possibly even another pet swap when the last phase starts.
FG opener costs a soul shard, having fel hunter on the pull is better though. But what if you don't have time hard cast a FG when Ragnaros submerges? You have to spend a shard if you're out of range on your assigned spawn or it is very close to hammer, especially if you are meant to stun the target. The only realistic opportunity (without sacrificing dps on important aspects of the fight) to get a shard is draining one Son of Flame when they are about to die. With difficult spawns there might not be a chance for you to get that shard back. We wiped on the first Sons every now and then (not that often but still). We're having 3 locks in the raid, if everyone tries to get that shard back. What if a wipe could have been prevented by covering the ass of someone who fails instead of being focused on getting your shitty shard? Not to mention that after a long day of raiding you might forget the whole shard completely when you're on autopilot mode on the easy phases.
In the later phases you would either sacrifice scion dps (burn phase damage) or molten elemental dps, what if one molten elemental reaches the raid and smashes someone's face because you casted drain soul instead of a seed of corruption or 2.
Oh and I almost forgot, where did you notice someone using Fel Guard when Fel Hunter would've been better? Ignore phase 1 completely, it is irrelevant.
FG opener costs a soul shard, having fel hunter on the pull is better though. But what if you don't have time hard cast a FG when Ragnaros submerges? You have to spend a shard if you're out of range on your assigned spawn or it is very close to hammer, especially if you are meant to stun the target. The only realistic opportunity (without sacrificing dps on important aspects of the fight) to get a shard is draining one Son of Flame when they are about to die. With difficult spawns there might not be a chance for you to get that shard back. We wiped on the first Sons every now and then (not that often but still). We're having 3 locks in the raid, if everyone tries to get that shard back. What if a wipe could have been prevented by covering the ass of someone who fails instead of being focused on getting your shitty shard? Not to mention that after a long day of raiding you might forget the whole shard completely when you're on autopilot mode on the easy phases.
In the later phases you would either sacrifice scion dps (burn phase damage) or molten elemental dps, what if one molten elemental reaches the raid and smashes someone's face because you casted drain soul instead of a seed of corruption or 2.
Oh and I almost forgot, where did you notice someone using Fel Guard when Fel Hunter would've been better? Ignore phase 1 completely, it is irrelevant.
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
9 posts -