Hello, I am confused on 1850 haste and how it changes my rotation. I have played around with the numbers and found it gives me a 1.34 steady shot cast time, so I tried to figure out the rotation but i get confused.
If I do SSx5 ASx2 Chim rotation that takes me to 9.7 sec total rotation and with Chim glyph that gives me .7 sec of over flow time on rotation, or does extra time on the rotation not matter as long as you hit chim on cd?
If I visualize it the rotation would look like this:
SS(1.34 sec), SS(2.68 sec), AS(3.68 sec), SS(5.02 sec), SS(6.36 sec), AS(7.36 sec), SS(8.70 sec), Wait .30 sec for Chim cd (9 sec)
Main question is with 1850 haste is SSx5 ASx2 Chim what I should cast or am I off on rotation?
1850 haste and rotation (non 4p t11) 4.2
Re: 1850 haste and rotation (non 4p t11) 4.2
- Posts: 2
K, my have found the answer after reading some more. Is the 1850 haste to account for latency in the rotation?
Re: 1850 haste and rotation (non 4p t11) 4.2
- Posts: 10
It could be to compensate for latency, but isn't that what the spell queue system was implemented for, correct?
I personally don't use the spell queue system. The latency slider is ambiguous and I'm not sure what to set it at for optimal performance and I don't compensate for latency by piling on extra haste.
I personally don't use the spell queue system. The latency slider is ambiguous and I'm not sure what to set it at for optimal performance and I don't compensate for latency by piling on extra haste.
Re: 1850 haste and rotation (non 4p t11) 4.2
- Posts: 3
Gel wrote:SS(1.34 sec), SS(2.68 sec), AS(3.68 sec), SS(5.02 sec), SS(6.36 sec), AS(7.36 sec), SS(8.70 sec), Wait .30 sec for Chim cd (9 sec)
What about the 1 sec global CD from Chimera shot?
CS(1.0sec), SS(2.34 sec), SS(3.68 sec), AS(4.68 sec), SS(6.02 sec), SS(7.36 sec), AS(8.36 sec), SS(9.70 sec), Push back Chim by .7 secnds.
Currently I am running at 1347 haste (10.52%). With all haste raid buffs, 3/3 pathing, and ISS up, that gives me a Steady Shot cast time of 1.25 seconds. My rotation looks like this.
CS(1.0sec), SS(2.25 sec), SS(3.50 sec), AS(4.50 sec), SS(5.75 sec), SS(7.0 sec), AS(8.0 sec), SS(9.25 sec), Push back Chim cd for .25 seconds.
When instant AiS procs, I replace a SS with it (unless I need extra focus, then I replace an AS). This gives me 9 sec cycle exactly.
CS(1.0sec), SS(2.25 sec), SS(3.50 sec), AS(4.50 sec), SS(5.75 sec), SS(7.0 sec), AS(8.0 sec), AiS(9.0 sec), Chimera Shot.
4 posts -