Welcome to the Hunter thread!
Feel free to ask questions related to Hunters in this thread. Please do use the search function and see if the question has already been asked first, though. When asking for dps help, please post link to your armory profile - for best results posting WoL/WMO/WWS link will also help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What's the correct shot rotation?
Answer: There is no fixed rotation. Both MM and SV use a priority list, and always use the highest priority shot ready to use.
MM: Silencing Shot (does not use GCD) > Kill Shot > Serpent Sting (if not already up) > Chimera Shot > Aimed Shot > Steady Shot.
SV: Kill Shot > Explosive Shot > Serpent Sting > Black Arrow > Aimed Shot / Multi-Shot > Steady Shot.
Question: Should I gem agi or arpen?
Answer: "Depends." If you're SV, definitely agi, however if you're MM and have decent gear the question becomes harder to answer. Use the available tools (spreadsheets, simulators) to figure out which is better for your gear.