Marksman Hunter Rotation (4.2)

Re: Marksman Hunter Rotation (4.2)

Post 27 Jul 2011 07:01

Avatar Mascaron
Posts: 10
wickedhunter wrote:not trying to such anything but i dont see where they said they nerfed aim shot so yea......

They nerfed it with a hotfix shortly after 4.1 several months ago. Here's something I wrote in another thread for a hunter.

The short answer is that Arcane is better. The problem with Aimed as a focus dump is that if you lose a few fractions on the cast here and there throughout a fight you lose a lot of dps. Frostheim aka Brian Wood did a great article that explains in numbers the dps value of skill. A great time to cast aimed shot, however, is when you're under a dynamic haste effect such as rapid fire or heroism. The cast time should easily drop below 1.6 making the dps throughput better than 2 arcanes.

Since you don't have the T11 4-piece the best plateau for you is 12.93% haste. With 3 points in pathing you only need 9.64% haste from gear which is 1235 Haste rating. At this plateau you do not want the Chimera glyph. Also, these calculations require the physical haste buff. The standard rotation at this plateau is Chimera, 2 arcanes, and 5 steady shots. The rotation is flexible though, as long as you're casting 2 arcanes and 5 steadies in between chimeras while keeping imp steady up. During the careful aim phase you want to cast as many Aimed and steadies as possible. You'll most likely be using your rapid fire cooldowns at the beginning of the fight as well.

I see you don't have any points in termination. You may want to rethink that. I know it can make things more hectic at the end of the fight, but it is a dps talent and casting more arcanes can give you more opportunities to move. Termination is great on a fight like Shannox where hero is used during the last third of the bosses hp, a dynamic haste effect + Termination = more aimed shots.

That's all for now. Good luck.