After reading your 10 vs 25 comparison I was wondering about our 10man setup.
Blood DK
Protection Warrior
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid
Holy Paladin
Combat Rogue
Fury Warrior
Markmanship Hunter
Shadow Priest
Arcane Mage
Do you think we will have any issues on some of the heroics in Firelands or should we switch something around? Everyone is doing good except low dps from the warrior.
10 mans
Re: 10 mans
- Posts: 341
Starz wrote:After reading your 10 vs 25 comparison I was wondering about our 10man setup.
Blood DK
Protection Warrior
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid
Holy Paladin
Combat Rogue
Fury Warrior
Markmanship Hunter
Shadow Priest
Arcane Mage
Do you think we will have any issues on some of the heroics in Firelands or should we switch something around? Everyone is doing good except low dps from the warrior.
As long as your hunter has proper pet out for spell damage taken and one of your healers has a good DPS offspec, you should be able to clear anything with that. And there shouldn't be any reason for your warrior to be doing much lower damage than anyone else.
Re: 10 mans
- Posts: 2
Hello, thanks for your answer, currently we're on Ryolith HC were we have two fury warriors and a balance druid different to our setup, we have 4 ranged on all the adds and 3 melees on the boss but we still get overwhelmed by the adds and the boss doesn't go down quick enough, and yes the Hunter is using a dragonhawk for 8% spelldamage. Any advice since we feel we are doing something wrong...
3 posts -