Hello Jubeto New to the forum but I am just looking for advice of someone who knows what they're talking about.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/w ... z/advanced
Some questions
- Should I ever reforge Haste > Mastery Or just get it off Gear I get.
- Is there a Haste cap for demo ? I think its around 1.9-2k If there is.
- Do you let Corruption Tick off the target before reapplying
And also I would like to say my Openning on targets incase there may be somthing wrong with it or could be improved.
CoE>Imolate>HandOfGul'dan>Corruption>Baneofdoom - Then spam shadowbolt/Incinerate Proc And use hand of gul'dan/Shadowflame on cd
Also should I Pop Metamorphosis while doing this opening or when all my dots are rolling ^
Is there any specific Time you think Soulburn >Soulfire should be used? Apart from being in meta.
I saw also your using Glyph Of corruption do you use this in specific fights? Like Shannox,Bethtilca fights when you need to move.
And lastly do you have any Good macros for Demonology that you couldn't not have I am only using 1 right now what pops my meta/trinket/Demon Soul In one
I'm sorry if its long but if you do reply thanks for reading.
Question On Demo For Jubeto,
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Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 12
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 155
Should I ever reforge Haste > Mastery Or just get it off Gear I get.
This depends if you want to reach a certain haste threshold or no
Is there a Haste cap for demo ? I think its around 1.9-2k If there is.
Yes, but it is unreachable.
Do you let Corruption Tick off the target before reapplying
No, unless the corruption was applied with modifiers I do no longer have.
And also I would like to say my Openning on targets incase there may be somthing wrong with it or could be improved.
CoE>Imolate>HandOfGul'dan>Corruption>Baneofdoom - Then spam shadowbolt/Incinerate Proc And use hand of gul'dan/Shadowflame on cd
Also should I Pop Metamorphosis while doing this opening or when all my dots are rolling ^
I'd precast one shadow bolt and you didn't mention if you do the FG pull or not, you definitely should in most cases.
Is there any specific Time you think Soulburn >Soulfire should be used? Apart from being in meta.
You could use it during movement or save the shard for something else, I've heard hardcasting FG for DS and using SB to get FH back to be a dps gain, but I got some results which indicates it to be actually a dps loss unless you're using moonwell chalice and meta synced.
I saw also your using Glyph Of corruption do you use this in specific fights? Like Shannox,Bethtilca fights when you need to move.
The only situation I'd prefer some other glyph is if I need to burn something down during blood lust or a fight involving a lot of aoe
And lastly do you have any Good macros for Demonology that you couldn't not have I am only using 1 right now what pops my meta/trinket/Demon Soul In one
/cast felstorm
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 12
Thanks for the feedback Jubeto,
If your not busy could you explain to me what "FG Pull' Pull is im not sure what it stands for Fel Guard im thinking?
Is it pull with Felguard and Use soulburn with Felguard for Haste buff then later on switch to Fel hunter.
And you say you don't let corruption Fall of the target is there any specific time you aim to re-apply.
If your not busy could you explain to me what "FG Pull' Pull is im not sure what it stands for Fel Guard im thinking?
Is it pull with Felguard and Use soulburn with Felguard for Haste buff then later on switch to Fel hunter.
And you say you don't let corruption Fall of the target is there any specific time you aim to re-apply.
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 201
Lvz wrote:If your not busy could you explain to me what "FG Pull' Pull is im not sure what it stands for Fel Guard im thinking?
Is it pull with Felguard and Use soulburn with Felguard for Haste buff then later on switch to Fel hunter.
Use demon soul and felstorm. Then soulburn a felhunter out after felstorm ends.
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 12
Ah :) I thought it was it thanks for clearing that up Diviil, If i may ask a Final Question as i would rather hear it from you guys.
Do you think one of the best options for stats in Demonology is to go 1996 Haste then Stack Mastery/Intellect and how much Mastery till you start doing some nice amount of Damage going on
Do you think one of the best options for stats in Demonology is to go 1996 Haste then Stack Mastery/Intellect and how much Mastery till you start doing some nice amount of Damage going on
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 201
Lvz wrote:Ah :) I thought it was it thanks for clearing that up Diviil, If i may ask a Final Question as i would rather hear it from you guys.
Do you think one of the best options for stats in Demonology is to go 1996 Haste then Stack Mastery/Intellect and how much Mastery till you start doing some nice amount of Damage going on
Both Jubeto and I are currenly using 1993 haste and then going mastery. I don't know if it's the best way to go about it though I doubt the DPS difference is going to be very big. Especially on pulls where your doomguard is on cooldown which is going to eat away from the value of mastery a bit. The problem for me is that I can't even get my haste very low since most of my gear is haste oriented.
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 12
Yeah.. The spec needs a Fair Amount of Haste then alot of mastery i guess thanks for the help and Well done on FL
Re: Question On Demo For Jubeto,
- Posts: 7
Saw another post where u say that for demo, u should go haste with normal gear and mastery with hc gear?
Are we talking about t11 og t12? Or should I just forget that and just look at the 1846(goblin) haste for the corruption tick, and then go full out on mastery?
And what are your thoughts on haste and immolate for demo? i know that EJ has some haste thresholds calcs, but how much does that even matter since immolate will always be refreshed with HoG? Does it mean that for demo, immolate just scales dynamicly with haste?
Are we talking about t11 og t12? Or should I just forget that and just look at the 1846(goblin) haste for the corruption tick, and then go full out on mastery?
And what are your thoughts on haste and immolate for demo? i know that EJ has some haste thresholds calcs, but how much does that even matter since immolate will always be refreshed with HoG? Does it mean that for demo, immolate just scales dynamicly with haste?
18 posts -
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