I would like to understand how to really maximise dps with an arcanne mage. I'm already top dps in my guild but feel like I could do way way better than I already do. So I do my Burst phase every 1 min 30 second (approx, maybe more like 2 minutes to use mana gem each time) using all my cd (engineer hands + potion+mana gem+mirror image+arcanne power).
But the cd on Engineer trinket and potion is only 1 Minutes so sometimes I fee like I could use more of them during the fight cuz i'm just using them on burst phase but is it really optimal to use them only on burn phase instead of using them as soon as my cd is up ?
So How you handle use cd/trinket (ward of shoe(don't have it but intend to have it soon)/engineer trinket/potion).
Do you have a good addon to monitor the proc of trinket (volcano card/clear casting), I wish I could make the buff icon (only) for them really bigger next to my action bar.
Thanks in advance.
And congratz for your first kill.
[Edit] I'm also not so sure when to use the instant Arcanne Blast (I generally use it on Burn phase 4th stack only)
Maximizing DPS With Potion and Trinket
Re: Maximizing DPS With Potion and Trinket
- Posts: 190
I think it's awesome they even though your damage is the best in your guild you keep pushing to be better. I have a lot of respect for that, because of how easy it is to assume you can't get any better. Also, you have a cool name :D
I tried a lot of ways to type this out and explain it, but every time I read back over it I was lost in my own text, so in order to be super clear I made a diagram. Please refer to the key and inspect the diagram, then I'll do some talking about it.
Numbers = minutes in combat
Red: Burn Phase
Blue Dot: 1 minute CD use
Purple line: Evocation use

As you can tell from the picture your 1 Minute CD will line up with your CD's every time and you can use them more frequently. Understand that the diagram doesn't account for everything. There are some fights (like Magma) that you might want to wait or hold off on your burn phase. For those fights it will be trial and error to get the maximum use out of it.
If you observe the end of the fight you will notice there's a burn phase with no Evocation (because the boss dies). Also notice that anywhere I put that last blue dot there's not room for 2 more uses. Since using it sooner doesn't mean we will get more uses out of it it's better to wait until your burning at the end. This is a tricky one in actuality because it's difficult to predict how long a fight will last. I generally look at World Of Logs to see about how long each fight lasts and give myself a rough idea when I will use my CD's. You can also look at what other mages did on the fight for inspiration.
I did go get a 1 minute CD item and use it on a target dummy to test this and what I found with my gear was that my initial burst lasted longer than 30 seconds. If this happens (and it's not a bad thing) there will be a slight amount of down time on the trinkets CD before you use it for the 2nd burn phase. Not a big deal, but something worth noting since you mentioned you will have Shard of Woe soon. Believe me when I say that changed your rotation SO much. (t12 heroic best in slot trinket from t11)
There is an amazing addon I use to monitor all of my CD's. It's called Power Auras Classic. Available on Curse. If you don't already have it, I will say there is a little bit of a learning curve on how to use it, but if you have questions there's lots of guids online and I'm also available.
In regards to the use of Presence of Mind. Generally the best time to use it is while moving. Using during your burn phase will only benefit you by reducing the cast time to 1 second (GCD). If the casting time is already 1.2 seconds it only reduced it by .2 seconds. If you moving normally you wouldn't be able to cast at all so you gain the full benefit of 1.2 seconds reduction. On a fight where for some reason there's literally no movement or you can cast while moving it's better to use it for that .2 second reduction than not at all. In general, I use it while moving.
I think it's awesome they even though your damage is the best in your guild you keep pushing to be better. I have a lot of respect for that, because of how easy it is to assume you can't get any better. Also, you have a cool name :D
I tried a lot of ways to type this out and explain it, but every time I read back over it I was lost in my own text, so in order to be super clear I made a diagram. Please refer to the key and inspect the diagram, then I'll do some talking about it.
Numbers = minutes in combat
Red: Burn Phase
Blue Dot: 1 minute CD use
Purple line: Evocation use

As you can tell from the picture your 1 Minute CD will line up with your CD's every time and you can use them more frequently. Understand that the diagram doesn't account for everything. There are some fights (like Magma) that you might want to wait or hold off on your burn phase. For those fights it will be trial and error to get the maximum use out of it.
If you observe the end of the fight you will notice there's a burn phase with no Evocation (because the boss dies). Also notice that anywhere I put that last blue dot there's not room for 2 more uses. Since using it sooner doesn't mean we will get more uses out of it it's better to wait until your burning at the end. This is a tricky one in actuality because it's difficult to predict how long a fight will last. I generally look at World Of Logs to see about how long each fight lasts and give myself a rough idea when I will use my CD's. You can also look at what other mages did on the fight for inspiration.
I did go get a 1 minute CD item and use it on a target dummy to test this and what I found with my gear was that my initial burst lasted longer than 30 seconds. If this happens (and it's not a bad thing) there will be a slight amount of down time on the trinkets CD before you use it for the 2nd burn phase. Not a big deal, but something worth noting since you mentioned you will have Shard of Woe soon. Believe me when I say that changed your rotation SO much. (t12 heroic best in slot trinket from t11)
There is an amazing addon I use to monitor all of my CD's. It's called Power Auras Classic. Available on Curse. If you don't already have it, I will say there is a little bit of a learning curve on how to use it, but if you have questions there's lots of guids online and I'm also available.
In regards to the use of Presence of Mind. Generally the best time to use it is while moving. Using during your burn phase will only benefit you by reducing the cast time to 1 second (GCD). If the casting time is already 1.2 seconds it only reduced it by .2 seconds. If you moving normally you wouldn't be able to cast at all so you gain the full benefit of 1.2 seconds reduction. On a fight where for some reason there's literally no movement or you can cast while moving it's better to use it for that .2 second reduction than not at all. In general, I use it while moving.
Last edited by Guromin on 25 Jul 2011 05:34, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Maximizing DPS With Potion and Trinket
- Posts: 5
Wow Thanks !
Great answer :)
Just Got two questions though ^^.
- I use Arcane Power every 2 Minutes even If the cooldown is 1.5 minutes (cuz I need an evocation after each burst phase) right ? So Using a mana gem every single burst phase is totally possible since it has a 2 minutes CD (so before every BurnPhase) (don't realy understand your last comment then).
- So Every Minutes I use a potion and my gloves trinket. But still half the the time of this use i'll be on regen cycle right and the other half on burst ? I don't need to change the rotation a bit when I do that ?
[Edit:] Oh men just realize Potion was limited to one per fight ^^
Thanks again, so helpfull.
Great answer :)
Just Got two questions though ^^.
- I use Arcane Power every 2 Minutes even If the cooldown is 1.5 minutes (cuz I need an evocation after each burst phase) right ? So Using a mana gem every single burst phase is totally possible since it has a 2 minutes CD (so before every BurnPhase) (don't realy understand your last comment then).
- So Every Minutes I use a potion and my gloves trinket. But still half the the time of this use i'll be on regen cycle right and the other half on burst ? I don't need to change the rotation a bit when I do that ?
[Edit:] Oh men just realize Potion was limited to one per fight ^^
Thanks again, so helpfull.
Re: Maximizing DPS With Potion and Trinket
- Posts: 190
Umm, about the mana gem. In all honesty I have no clue what I was thinking. It was really late and I had put 3 hours into the post already. hehe, just ignore that now deleted section :P
Just want to clarify that potions are usable twice per fight if you pop one right before you enter combat. Defiantly a good way to boost your damage.
When you pop the trinket you should generally just stay on the same rotation. You want to play it smart though. It's certainly okay to dip with your mana at some portions of a fight and then recover later by using more arcane missiles. I did this on fight like Chimaeron. Right before my hit chance was reduced I would do a small amount of burn and then use missiles as often as possible. Missing with an arcane blast can really hurt your dps so I found it better not to risk it.
I wouldn't dip too low though, keep in mind that your mastery has a huge effect on your damage and stay at high mana is really key to good damage. I find it good to have an addon that tracks your mana mastery bonus so you can know if you went too low. I know of only one doing this right now; MageManaBar. Designed by the same person who created CombustionHelper.
I must have been out of my mind with that last paragraph lol
Just want to clarify that potions are usable twice per fight if you pop one right before you enter combat. Defiantly a good way to boost your damage.
When you pop the trinket you should generally just stay on the same rotation. You want to play it smart though. It's certainly okay to dip with your mana at some portions of a fight and then recover later by using more arcane missiles. I did this on fight like Chimaeron. Right before my hit chance was reduced I would do a small amount of burn and then use missiles as often as possible. Missing with an arcane blast can really hurt your dps so I found it better not to risk it.
I wouldn't dip too low though, keep in mind that your mastery has a huge effect on your damage and stay at high mana is really key to good damage. I find it good to have an addon that tracks your mana mastery bonus so you can know if you went too low. I know of only one doing this right now; MageManaBar. Designed by the same person who created CombustionHelper.
I must have been out of my mind with that last paragraph lol
Re: Maximizing DPS With Potion and Trinket
- Posts: 5
Guromin wrote:Just want to clarify that potions are usable twice per fight if you pop one right before you enter combat. Defiantly a good way to boost your damage.
Nice Trick :)
Well I'll try to do all that on my next raid tomorrow. Thanks again for the time and the effort you put into this, I really appreciate.
5 posts -