I know everyone keeps talking about that but I would really like to know what are Paragon's thoughts about it.
I remember when Paragon said the class was "bad" when they killed LK Heroic, the same thing (or close to the same thing) was said when they killed Sinestra. I know these two times only a shaman healer was brought and people said it was only for Mana Tide, don't remember what was Paragon's real opinion for these two kills about Shamans, but it seemed that Shamans were not that useful (beside Mana Tide, maybe!) What I want to point out, is that there's no main-spec Ele in Paragon (I think), so no Ele brought can be "ok", it's not a good argument cause no one plays it in Paragon.
What's important, is that there is (or was) a main spec Enhancement in Paragon with Rihmz. What happened to him? That's a good question, but from what I remember, he said the spec wasn't that good (this winter) and he just re-rolled a Hunter because a Hunter is more useful (and does more DPS) when raiding end-game content (or something like that).
Kahva often raids as a healer, which is good and it shows that Shaman healers can be useful when raiding elite. But no shaman DPS... I think many people are worried about this.
There wasn't even one shaman brought for Ragnaros kill. And only 1 shaman healer for LK HC and Sinestra.
So my question(s): Is there a clear reason, from Paragon, for not bringing any Shaman on Ragnaros :\ ? Why is this the case for 3 end-game bosses!?
P.S.: I'm not saying Shamans are not useful. Shamans are bad, or other classes are all better. I just really want to know why Shamans (mostly DPS) are almost non-existent end-game, especially in end bosses :(
No Shaman?
No Shaman?
- Posts: 6
Re: No Shaman?
- Posts: 1
I guess the shaman healer they used for LK 25 heroic was mainly for bloodlust, and maybe also for mana tide.
Re: No Shaman?
- Posts: 1
Saw a post earlier when they explained why no resto, its mainly because lack of raid cds and so positioned required to be able to really shine on such an tough fight, and that mana tide more or less only was needed to the shamans themselves. And that paladins were to prefer for tank healing, because of beacon.
I can agree a little bit but do think they've been unlucky with their shamans since they are so many ways you can play it, and mana wise with the latest talent + crit changes and now with t12+ gear i would say we definitly have no mana issues any more, probaly one of the better classes now in that aspect. Now im not raiding 25man anymore but focusing on 10man and there i can see the issues more clear (and should be much less issues in 25man since the chainheal should almost always hit 4 targets etc) i mean when the group is all stacked up shamans can put out absolutly massive numbers, earthshield on tank, a focused insighted healing rain, 3 riptides ticking, unleash+chainheal spam or spirit link totem & healing surge spam and there's no other healer that comes close to the numbers, for example one of the first tries on majordomo normal first week of firelands both my fellow healers dcd and this would keep up all the raid for 7 or 8 stacks and healing for over 35k+ hps for over a minute of time without anyone dying while still having a decent amount of mana to spare. And this is in 10man, and recount doesnt count healing stream totem either which healed and always heals the good geared shamans group for 5k+ hps.
This is the excellent part about the class, but still its not a bad choice as many still seem to think on fights when raid isnt all stacked up.
For example tank healing;
When assigned tank healer a 372 average geared shaman (and im sure shamans in paragon would have much higer itemlevel) with haste cap and rest mastery and that have a decent amount of critshould be able to keep up tanks just as good as others and being able to hold atleast 17-18k hps during a fight without going oom, earthshield always up, unleash every cd on riptides pref on the tanks and keep 3 riptides always rolling, 1 on your assigned tank and 1 on the other and one on a raid member together with spamming your heals. Having a riptide rolling and often giving a earthliving on the other tank together with giving the -10% physical damage buff id say is atleast just as good as beacon. Just having 3 riptides always ticking with 2 of them 30% buffed from unleash and always keeping earthshield up heals for over 11k hps when u get good gear while not spending any mana at all, count in healing stream totem to the healing done and healing wave spamming and a good geared shaman can easily heal for 16-17k hps without spending any mana at all, i think not many other classes can do the same. Many shamans and some ive seen in the real hardcore guilds doesnt even seem to know some of these spells exists and still live in the TBC world and think chain heal is the best spell in the world.
However i dont and most of us dont have a clue about ragnaros hc fight thought, and if Paragon only uses resto shamans as pure raid healer as many guilds still do which i think is wrong, and the fight requires ALOT of spreading out and stuff i would understand their decision and i do hope its proof enough for Blizzard to take a serious look at the spread out raid heal capablities of the shaman class, i mean if they can't even be in for 25man heroic ragnaros, will a resto shaman ever get to be a part of a ragnaros heroic kill, especially in the 10man version?
I can agree a little bit but do think they've been unlucky with their shamans since they are so many ways you can play it, and mana wise with the latest talent + crit changes and now with t12+ gear i would say we definitly have no mana issues any more, probaly one of the better classes now in that aspect. Now im not raiding 25man anymore but focusing on 10man and there i can see the issues more clear (and should be much less issues in 25man since the chainheal should almost always hit 4 targets etc) i mean when the group is all stacked up shamans can put out absolutly massive numbers, earthshield on tank, a focused insighted healing rain, 3 riptides ticking, unleash+chainheal spam or spirit link totem & healing surge spam and there's no other healer that comes close to the numbers, for example one of the first tries on majordomo normal first week of firelands both my fellow healers dcd and this would keep up all the raid for 7 or 8 stacks and healing for over 35k+ hps for over a minute of time without anyone dying while still having a decent amount of mana to spare. And this is in 10man, and recount doesnt count healing stream totem either which healed and always heals the good geared shamans group for 5k+ hps.
This is the excellent part about the class, but still its not a bad choice as many still seem to think on fights when raid isnt all stacked up.
For example tank healing;
When assigned tank healer a 372 average geared shaman (and im sure shamans in paragon would have much higer itemlevel) with haste cap and rest mastery and that have a decent amount of critshould be able to keep up tanks just as good as others and being able to hold atleast 17-18k hps during a fight without going oom, earthshield always up, unleash every cd on riptides pref on the tanks and keep 3 riptides always rolling, 1 on your assigned tank and 1 on the other and one on a raid member together with spamming your heals. Having a riptide rolling and often giving a earthliving on the other tank together with giving the -10% physical damage buff id say is atleast just as good as beacon. Just having 3 riptides always ticking with 2 of them 30% buffed from unleash and always keeping earthshield up heals for over 11k hps when u get good gear while not spending any mana at all, count in healing stream totem to the healing done and healing wave spamming and a good geared shaman can easily heal for 16-17k hps without spending any mana at all, i think not many other classes can do the same. Many shamans and some ive seen in the real hardcore guilds doesnt even seem to know some of these spells exists and still live in the TBC world and think chain heal is the best spell in the world.
However i dont and most of us dont have a clue about ragnaros hc fight thought, and if Paragon only uses resto shamans as pure raid healer as many guilds still do which i think is wrong, and the fight requires ALOT of spreading out and stuff i would understand their decision and i do hope its proof enough for Blizzard to take a serious look at the spread out raid heal capablities of the shaman class, i mean if they can't even be in for 25man heroic ragnaros, will a resto shaman ever get to be a part of a ragnaros heroic kill, especially in the 10man version?
3 posts -