Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 7
My warlock is an engineer, and while the 480 INT glove tinker is great when coupled with trinket procs, the 10 sec shared CD with on-use trinkets makes it a pain to use. This is an issue for Demo locks in 4.2 because of the Moonwell Chalice ( ). Would any locks here recommend switching professions because of not being able to use both the gloves and this trinket before popping Meta?
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 7
There is a shared CD between any on-use tinkers, trinkets, etc. to prevent damage stacking in PVP. A Demo warlock with engineering would not be able to use the glove tinker for 20 seconds after popping Moonwell Chalice, which lowers its uptime during Meta.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 18
Good news everyone! Moonwell chalice doesn't share cd with synapse springs. Just got it on my toon and tested.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 18
On a side note, I'm trying to calculate how much time I can wait (while meta's ready) for moonwell to cooldown to align it with meta before it becomes a dps loss to wait further.
My base mastery is 14.64 (+58.28% dmg) and my moonwell-ed mastery is 24.12 (+77.24% dmg) for 20 secs, which averages out to be +68.81% dmg over 36 secs of meta.
With some raw math and statistics that I've done previously, I was able to calculate that on single target fight, my average meta cd is 102 seconds.
Let the extra wait time be x and solve for 58.28*36/102=68.81*36/(102+x). x ~18.5
This is a very very rough gauge of how much time I can wait. If you have higher base mastery, the shorter the time you can wait.
Being a noob at simcraft, I've no idea how to set up such a wait priority list. Hence, without some results I'm quite doubtful that moonwell is actually better than rune of zeth for demo. What's your opinion, Jubeto?
EDIT: just did a sim on demo t12 bis with rune of zeth, 35915dps, and another one with moonwell, 35874dps. Simcraft uses rune and moonwell on cd which is obviously not the right way to do. If possible could a pro try to sim with intelligent uses of those trinket? Thanks a lot.
My base mastery is 14.64 (+58.28% dmg) and my moonwell-ed mastery is 24.12 (+77.24% dmg) for 20 secs, which averages out to be +68.81% dmg over 36 secs of meta.
With some raw math and statistics that I've done previously, I was able to calculate that on single target fight, my average meta cd is 102 seconds.
Let the extra wait time be x and solve for 58.28*36/102=68.81*36/(102+x). x ~18.5
This is a very very rough gauge of how much time I can wait. If you have higher base mastery, the shorter the time you can wait.
Being a noob at simcraft, I've no idea how to set up such a wait priority list. Hence, without some results I'm quite doubtful that moonwell is actually better than rune of zeth for demo. What's your opinion, Jubeto?
EDIT: just did a sim on demo t12 bis with rune of zeth, 35915dps, and another one with moonwell, 35874dps. Simcraft uses rune and moonwell on cd which is obviously not the right way to do. If possible could a pro try to sim with intelligent uses of those trinket? Thanks a lot.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 201
Adelee wrote:Being a noob at simcraft, I've no idea how to set up such a wait priority list. Hence, without some results I'm quite doubtful that moonwell is actually better than rune of zeth for demo. What's your opinion, Jubeto?
EDIT: just did a sim on demo t12 bis with rune of zeth, 35915dps, and another one with moonwell, 35874dps. Simcraft uses rune and moonwell on cd which is obviously not the right way to do. If possible could a pro try to sim with intelligent uses of those trinket? Thanks a lot.
You can grab the action lines needed from that profile.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 7
Adelee wrote:On a side note, I'm trying to calculate how much time I can wait (while meta's ready) for moonwell to cooldown to align it with meta before it becomes a dps loss to wait further.
My base mastery is 14.64 (+58.28% dmg) and my moonwell-ed mastery is 24.12 (+77.24% dmg) for 20 secs, which averages out to be +68.81% dmg over 36 secs of meta.
Metamorphosis snapshots your mastery when you actually used the cooldown; it doesn't update itself as time goes on, meaning that the 1700 mastery applies to the full duration of Meta.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 18
Fqp wrote:Metamorphosis snapshots your mastery when you actually used the cooldown; it doesn't update itself as time goes on, meaning that the 1700 mastery applies to the full duration of Meta.
Thx for the correction there.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 18
Ok they ninja hotfixed it a few hours ago on US servers and now synapse spring and moonwell share the same cd.
Re: Engineering and On-Use Trinkets
- Posts: 7
Confirming ninja hotfix. They also fixed the ranging issue (it used to be possible to outrange the effect, and you couldn't get it back) and appear to have fixed the on-use lag as well.
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