Hello there
I've been wondering when you should drop your t11 4 set bonus? So this means:
what is best?
Tier 11 2 set bonus + T 12 2 set bonus
Tier 11 4 set bonus
At the moment I am running with tier 4 set bonus, with 3 pieces beeing 372s.
Tier sets
Re: Tier sets
- Posts: 473
4T11 is awesome for all specs, I wouldn't break it until 4T12 and not even then unless most of the pieces were 391 - a quick theorycraft shows 4T12 itself being a 100-200dps loss compared to 4T11 (ignoring stat upgrades).
Re: Tier sets
- Posts: 222
- Location: Seinäjoki
i'd replace it after you get 4pt t12, but not before and its also bugged atm. When it procs you shoot arcane shot, it consumes the buff and your focus, there fore its really not that good atm. After the fix it, it'll be pretty damn nice bonus, especially u will absolutely destroy on aoe
Mess with the best, die like the rest!
4 posts -