First of all gz about your progress on fl hc.
I have to questions which torture me for sometime now.
1)Which spec between demo and affli would u suggest and why?
2)why is mastery such an important stat for demo warlocks
Thanks for your time.
@ warlocks of Paragon
@ warlocks of Paragon
- Posts: 3
Re: @ warlocks of Paragon
- Posts: 3
stavros1234 wrote:First of all gz about your progress on fl hc.
I have to questions which torture me for sometime now.
1)Which spec between demo and affli would u suggest and why?
2)why is mastery such an important stat for demo warlocks
Thanks for your time.
1) it depends on the fight and your playstyle. Demo is basically one of the best aoe classes in the game when played right but they don't do as much dps as affli on single or dual target. So basically if it's a fight where you need alot of aoe, go for demo. If it's a fight without aoe and mostly single or dual target, go with affli. If you are raiding you should also consider your raid setup and what you need for the encounter.
2) mastery is important for demo warlocks because it provides additional dmg to your demon and in demo specc alot of your dmg actually comes from your demon so naturally its a important and good stat. It also provides additional dmg when your under the effect of Metamorphosi. At lower lvl gear (normal mode raid gear) haste is better as secondary stat. At higher lvl gear (hc raid gear) mastery is the go to secondary stat.
Hope that answere some of your questions
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