Demo Glyphs
Demo Glyphs
- Posts: 2
Hey im new to the forums and have been watching you guys dominate for a few tiers now. My question is for jubeto...why do u run Glyph of corruption over incerate?? anyone can answer this plz do. thanks for the help in advance and i look forward to u guys killing HM Rag! GOOD LUCK!
Re: Demo Glyphs
- Posts: 155
When firelands was about to come live I knew it would bring a lot of fights with movement involved. I assumed that incinerate glyph was better than corruption for stand still fights since the demo thread at EJ tells you to use incinerate glyph, I assumed no-one could possibly calculate incorrectly something as simple as warlock glyphs. Perhaps the value was counted for some 2600 haste gear or something, I doubt it would even then be close to as good as corruption. Lesson learned, double check every tiny bit of information.
Anyway, I started to calculate how much would I suffer by using corruption over incinerate. Only to come to the result that corruption glyph is 3-4 times better than incinerate, not even including the movement possibility benefit.
Anyway, I started to calculate how much would I suffer by using corruption over incinerate. Only to come to the result that corruption glyph is 3-4 times better than incinerate, not even including the movement possibility benefit.
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
3 posts -